I'm so hooked hehehehehe
I love how susake falls into Naruto's silllllyyyyy ideas!
Like when they were going to meet Kakashi for the first time and Naruto was playing that eraser prank. Susake thought it was a stupid idea, but he turned to see if the prank worked when kakashi walked in Haha...and esp the Kakashi's face epi...hahaha I love how Susake's so silly sometimes.
I love kakashi's bright cheery mood...and his serious sexy mood. hahaha During that huge battle when the city was being attacked during the chunin (?) exam...kakashi kept his cuteness when he jumped infront of sakura and smiled cheerily, telling her to stay like that for a moment while he decrease the numbers of enemies. hehehehehehehe I'MA MARRY HIM!
I really love seeing Naruto with so much potential and he gets stronger and stronger...it's impressive.
I love all the characters so far, except for sakura...and what was her friend's name? The blonde chick. Anyways, it's quite boring w/ these two, and their battle was sorta lame too. I hear that Sakura will become useful until far later...so yeahhh