Thank you everyone for your lovey comment. It make me happy to read your comment and help me improve on my artwork.
OMG I'm finally back. I think...hehe...It been so long I haven't get to use photoshoot. Will it been so long so my artworks isn't that good since I'm using a different program of ps....Anyway enjoy these two artworks.
Thanks ya. I would have done the "Different" pix more better if I have use my old ps but I can't so with the new ps it isn't that good like how I wanted to be like.
Thanks aikoden. It was hard for to get back to my old way after not using ps for a few months now. hehe
^i don't like cs4 .. it's annoying -- so many thing you can't do freely (i guess, i'm used to cs3)
anyway, love the fiction cover -- awesome job!
this one remind me of their interview in wwwy :