Staff member
LOL haha yeah i know ^__^ today im like watching the HQ version but it sucks ive only got like disc o1 so far ..waiting for disc so tired right now too translating episode 02
OMG are you for reals Mew was only 16 dam i thought she was older then that!I'm not sure I think she's like 19i know her age range is between 17-19 sometimes Exact like to use young nang eks like ... Mew she was like 16 when they casted her nang ek of roy adeed! lOL
you think 40 min is a prefact time wow....I like the way Channel 5 format their lakorns. It's so organize; like their episodes aren't draggy and long. I think 40 minutes is perfect time.
I guess what I meant is that the episodes gets right to the point.. whereas, you got Channel 3 lakorns that last for 2 hours per episodes. And, most of the scenes are comedic relief or just filler think 40 min is a prefact time wow....
i get so mad cause 40 min is not enough for me and it always gets very good then ends!...
true!I guess what I meant is that the episodes gets right to the point.. whereas, you got Channel 3 lakorns that last for 2 hours per episodes. And, most of the scenes are comedic relief or just filler scenes...