
01 Ning & Jensen - Reung Bon Theing - yousendit | sendspace | mediafire
02 Ning - Yah Ruk Kow Dai Mai - yousendit | sendspace | mediafire
03 Jensen feat. Ning - Huk Ai Leaw - yousendit | sendspace | mediafire
04 Ning - Kon Tee Mai Kow Tha - yousendit | sendspace | mediafire
05 Jensen - Lom Naow Lae Dao Deuan - yousendit | sendspace | mediafire
06 Lekie Luscious - Koun Ja Ru Barng Mai - yousendit | sendspace | mediafire
07 Ning - Kaw Kwarm - yousendit | sendspace | mediafire
08 aNnNeE - Ruk Tur Tee Sut - yousendit | sendspace | mediafire
09 Ning - Roo Seuk Yarng Rai - yousendit | sendspace | mediafire
Special thanks: Thanks to Nameless for the best album cover ever! You rock! :dude: Thanks to Jensen, Lek and Annnee for helping contribute to the album and making it work. There is to be a total of 10 tracks, but procrastination, life and time has got the best of me
If you really miss me, listen to me while I'm gone, "If you listen to me, I will come" muahahahaha
Take care, 'til then, we will meet again
Ning the Sweetest Sinner