Enjoyable lakorn, minus the last episode. Though I don't think this lived quite up to its potential.
This is my first Film lakorn, I'm very impressed with his acting. It's not easy to play two different characters so well and he pulled it off so effortlessly. I liked Pian a whole lot better than Pete though, I guess that shows what kind of men I like; quiet, serious, and responsible. Pete was okay, at times you want to shake some sense into him. I wasn't feeling Film and Vill together either, they didn't have a whole ton of chemistry and their scenes were lackluster. Film and Bifern on the other hand were a whole lot more enjoyable and I definitely rooted for them more. Film had way more chemistry with Bifern than Vill, too bad their couple got the short end of the stick. Which brings me to the reason why I didn't like the last episode. As bad as this sounds, I’d prefer that Pete and Wan not end up together. Not going to lie, I teared up when Wan as an old woman waited to see baby Pete, I thought that would have been a more impactful ending if left at that.. As for Pian, I don’t think it made a whole ton of sense that he ended with Wanni. He never really loved her and he was still in love with Pink even after getting married to Wan. I mean it was fine that he married Wanni for the sake of his future relatives but it was clearly stated that Wanni was supposed to die after giving birth. It would have made a whole lot more sense to show that Pian and Pink ended up together. Like Pink could have time travelled at the same time as Wan and Wan end up in the present day and Pink ends up in the past. I think she would have liked it considering how much she appreciates antiques and her belief things like time travel. Pink could have married Pian and helped him look after his kid or something. We know that Pian lives a long life, would have liked to know how he spent it. Why even have Pian and Pink have such sweet and tender moments if you’re not going to give them a happy ending? Wan ending up in the future needs to be elaborated. Like seriously she was willing to leave her family and her life back in the past like that. She certainly seemed to adjust to living with Pete way too easily.
The whole Damgerng wanting to time travel was so silly as well, they should have cut that part out. It added nothing and it seemed like the writer just wanted to take up unnecessary time.
Anyways, I really became a fan of Film from this lakorn. He gets better looking the more you look at him. He’s a very talented actor.