[OneHD] A Love to Kill (Exact)


Mrs James Ma
OMG the food is soooo yummy  :yummy:   :yummy:   :yummy:   :yummy:   :yummy:   :yummy: but why there are so little??  :scratchhead2:  I'm hungry looking at the rolls :yummy:  :yummy: 

cr DEMUPoolvilla at khaoyai


sarNie OldFart
Eat that first I'll order more for you later :p
Step said:
OMG the food is soooo yummy  :yummy:   :yummy:   :yummy:   :yummy:   :yummy:   :yummy: but why there are so little??  :scratchhead2:  I'm hungry looking at the rolls :yummy:   :yummy:


hello everyone :) I'm new here, Vill is the reason why I'm here lol I can't wait for this drama to start airing I'm so excited :woot: :woot: :woot:
and btw Vill looks gorgeous in those shots!! :wub: thanks for sharing ^_^


sarNie OldFart
  :welcome1: Aww she is the reason Why I'm here too  :clap: :clap: (only to support her), nice to meet you and I love you already cause you love Vill. I love people who love P'Vill. I hope you don't get annoy by me and be my friend  :kiss: . I love Vill too much and always talk about her... Hope you're happy to be with us
I'm also excited although I already watched Korean version. :woot2: :woot2:  I love it "Vill is LOVE"  100% agree   Yahoo welcome
no problem ka always love to share her pics. She's my everything, my every day oxygen! 
Yuukie said:
hello everyone :) I'm new here, Vill is the reason why I'm here lol I can't wait for this drama to be aired I'm so excited :woot: :woot: :woot:
and btw Vill looks gorgeous in those shots!! :wub: thanks for sharing ^_^


Thank you Villnan nice to meet u too! you're so sweet lol I can tell ur a big fan of her  :dance1: I'm glad I found this site ^^ a place where I can spazz all about Vill :p :woot2:
I guessing all of VIl's fans are excited to see this lakorn I haven't seen the Korean version yet but I'm hoping this version wont disappoint me keke I can't wait any longer anyone know when will this lakorn going to air? next year?  :cry:


sarNie OldFart
Yes, a place where we can spazz all about Vill. "Vill is Love, Love is Vill"  LOL Each day, I become so sweet because of her 
Korean version was pretty good, only the ending haha people like happy ending.. Most of Vill fans are excited! 
Probably next years, there is another lakorn of Vill supposed to be air but still they pull it back to order to air others one LOLzz


Mrs James Ma
Yuukie  :welcome1: to this site and as you can see VILLNAN is really CRAZY over Vill. She even has a club called 'pervert club' its for ToomVill fans and she is the founder :p just want to tell you that please dont make her more excited cos she cant control herself. I'm afraid she will die and leave us alone :coverlaf: Welcome again :)


omg really?! pervert club>!! :woot2: I wanna join too! :woot2: lmao hahaha u guys are so funny! I love it :lol:


sarNie OldFart
Talking about me behind my back?? this's bad hummm I wont punish you cuz it's true though :p MY co-founder you're one of the member
Step said:
Yuukie  :welcome1:to this site and as you can see VILLNAN is really CRAZY over Vill. She even has a club called 'pervert club' its for ToomVill fans and she is the founder :p just want to tell you that please dont make her more excited cos she cant control herself. I'm afraid she will die and leave us alone :coverlaf: Welcome again :)


sarNie OldFart
Welcom to this site and our PERVERT club my dear YUUKIE
Yuukie said:
omg really?! pervert club>!! :woot2: I wanna join too! :woot2: lmao hahaha u guys are so funny! I love it :lol: