it's very strange cause the first Payong with Kob and Num was a really big hit and launch them as the perfect couple in thai lakorn. it will be hard ( i think impossible) for alex and taew to do better or equal.
that's a really good point. although i think alex & taew are very talented actors from watching STJJK, i don't feel the chemistry between those two are as powerful as kob/num like from back in the day yet. i remember after watching payong, i was pretty sure i was going to like any follow-up lakorns from num/kob. after stjjk though, i'm watching the new payong just out curiousity, and the new actors are adorable.
the lakorn could still be a hit among the youngsters who have not watched payong (the num/kob) version yet. so it'll be all new to them.
and if they were to do some adjustments in the storyline like having the pranangs interact more than in the num/kob version, it might work out as well.
but i guess we'll see.