Phom Ruk Roy Adeed (Dida Vdo)


sarNie Adult
i was gone for 2 wks...i thought this would go up to page 200 or didnt move that much...except 40 pgs.
...everything, from letting her mother do all this!!! And did you see the trailer for episode 11? Gah, Kwan gets caught for something her mother and Ek did. That's not nice at all man!


Torfun is f'cking dumb! I hate her as much as Wanna now for being dumb lol. Arghhhhhhh! Someone needs to slap some sense into the dumb girl.


sarNie Hatchling
omg did you see wanaa face when she asked woonseen for some money and her daughter was like ah... no!!!

Karma! Karma is a B****

I hate how TorFun is so stupid!!!


sarNie Oldmaid
She's not stupid, she's just being extra nice, and as result in the end she have everything, money, Win, Simandtraa's and love + money from her real mom. Yes is karma, good deed comes to those that did good. As for the bad peoples, at the end, there is nothing left for them. :lol:
Yes, but when is the happy part going to happen? She's nice, yes. But her real mom is so stupid from believing Wanna!


sarNie Oldmaid
omg omg omg!!! Win almost kiss Kwan on the cheeks when he gave her the purple flower.... Oh man, why did kwan have to turn it down....
Win was so sad... hehe... funny hoe he gave Na Tae the ring... He was so pissed... OMG!!! I'm SO MAD!! when will they find out soon... ARGGG....


sarNie Oldmaid
omg... i'm crying with kwan... why can't they just admit their feelings... They know that they love each other... I'm gonna be so mad of they confess their love at the end....


sarNie Oldmaid
omg... i'm crying with kwan... why can't they just admit their feelings... They know that they love each other... I'm gonna be so mad of they confess their love at the end....
:lol: Well they still considered to be cousin, they can't just come right out and admit that they love each other. :p LOL