sarNie Oldmaid
Please comment....I haven't been writing my fanfiction for awhile now, but I just want to know who's reading my story. Thanks, anyway for reading -_-
Chapter 8
Wedding Day
Cee: (He wakes up) It’s show time, my love. You’ll be mine today. (Thinking about Amy)
Amy: (Wakes up in the room next to Cee’s) It’s show time, Cee. (She realizes that marrying Cee is a good idea so she can show how important love is and another reason is that she wants to help Cee with his business in the hotel.)
~The Day Before the Wedding~
Cee: This one right here. (The owner of “Jaya’s Antique Jewerly Shop” pulls out the ring that Cee wanted from the case)
Jaya: Here’s your ring sir.
Cee: Give me your hand, my love.
Amy: (She obdiently gives her hand to Cee) Here.
Cee: It fits perfectly. Lets get this one. (Cee gives Jaya the money and ring. Jaya takes the ring and puts it in a box and gives Cee the recipt)
Jaya: Here’s your ring and recipt, sir. Thank you for shopping at “Jaya’s Antique Jewerly Shop”. (He say that as Cee and Amy leaves the store)
Cee: Now lets go shop for your dress. (Looking at Amy, realizing she’s been quiet the whole day) Amy is something wrong.
Amy: No, nothing.
Cee: (He drives to “Mae’s Bridal Shop”) Let’s stop here. (Amy gets out of car and enters the store first)
Mae(the owner): Hello, welcome to Mae’s Bridal Shop, how can I help you today.
Amy: I’m here to look for a wedding dress.
Mae: I know just the perfect dress for you, come in the back with me. (Looking at Cee) Are you her friend?
Cee: No, I’m her fiancé.
Mae: You can come back here with us too so you can find some suits for you. After we find a perfect dress for your fiancé I’ll need to take pictures of you both.
~Picture time~
Photographer: Miss can you move a bit close to your fiancé? (Amy moves closer to Cee.) That’s good. (He takes a shot) Now both of you look at each other and smile. (He takes 2 shots) Great, we have some beautiful pictures here. Okay, now I’m going to take some single shots of each of you. Miss you’ll go first.
Amy: Ok. (Cee then steps behind the photographer and the people monitoring the computer)
Photographer: Smile for me. (Amy gives a big smile as she poses) Beautiful!
Cee: (He looks at the pictures from the computer and sees how beautiful Amy is) Wow, she’s so pretty (He whispers)
Photographer: Sir, you’re next. (Cee goes to where Amy posed for her pictures. Amy then steps behind the photographer) Now, smile for me. (He smiles as the photographer take his pictures. Amy looks at the pictures and realizes how handsome Cee is.)
Amy: (Thinking in her head) How can a handsome man like him says that love isn’t important.
~After taking pictures~
Amy: Cee, I would like to buy some pictures to put up for our wedding tomorrow.
Cee: Ok, I’ll pick the pictures though. I want it to be a surprise.
Amy: Why can’ I ju---
Cee: Listen to me, it’s a surprise.
~Back to Wedding day~
Guests are arriving to Cee’s house and are sitting down on the chairs. As they looked around they see the pictures that Cee and Amy took at “Mae’s Bridal Shop”.
Guest 1: Wow, the bride and groom suit each other so well.
Guest 2: Yes, the bride looks so sweet. I’m glad that Cee has found his soul mate.
Guest 3: Yes, that kid is old enough now. Now that his mother is getting old he needs some heirs.
Guest 1: (laughs) His kids will look as cute as his bride. (The guest “aka old ladies” starts to chuckle)
Guy: The groom has arrived. (Cee comes into the room filled with people. He sits down and waits for Amy at the front of the room.)
Ploy: The bride has arrived. (Amy steps into the room and is filled with shock. She couldn’t believe how much people were in there to attend her wedding. She walks to where Cee is sitting and sat by him.
~After the wedding ceremony~
Singer: Ladies and gentlemen let’s get this party started, but first the bride and the groom has to do their slow dance. Please welcome the bride and groom to the dance floor.
(The guests claps)
Cee: So how’s it going, my love? ( He puts one of his hand on her shoulder and let the other hold her back)
Amy: It’s good, if my parents and sister haven’t came here, I wouldn’t have survive the whole thing.
Cee: Don’t be surprise, tomorrow you’re going to be alone with me for a whole week.
Amy: What? One week alone with you?
Cee: Yes, it’s our honeymoon, my love. I’m going to have so much fun.
Amy: Sure you will. I’ll make your life miserable. (They just keep on dancing)
(While Cee & Amy are dancing Ploy is having a papaya competition with some old people)
Ploy: I’m going to win this contest!
Old woman: Sure, if you think you’re tough enough. If you win I’ll give you 2 tickets to visit the musical “Aida”.
Ploy: Are you serious? I’ve always wanted to see that musical!
Old man: (laughs) No water by the way.
Old woman 2: Let’s get started!
(Ploy was so eager about doing this competition and winning that free ticket that she forgot about Por’s cellphone. People around them started to chant Ploy’s name. “Ploy! Ploy! Ploy!”. Their chanting helped Ploy won the completion.)
Ploy: Yeah

Old woman: Wow, I thought you were going to lose. At first I was just kidding about the tickets, but here it is. (She gives Ploy the two ticket)
Ploy: Thank you very much! I will finally take my boyfriend to see this show with me. I’ll go get some drinks for us. (She gets up and goes to the drinks booth. The papaya salad was so spicy that she grabbed a cup and drink the whole cup in two gulps.
Por: Hey! (Ploy chokes on her drink)
Ploy: Por, how did you get here?
Por: Well, I came here to get my phone. I was having some business with Cee and I think I dropped my phone here.
Ploy: (Shocked) How did you know Cee? Wait didn’t you say you were watching lakorns at your house?
Por: Oh……about that. I wasn’t watching a lakorn. I was just saving a girl from getting hit by a car. I didn’t want you to misunderstood.
Ploy: Oh, okay, you should have just told me the truth. Anyways what business did you have with him?
Por: Oh…it’s just something important, you don’t need to worry about it.
Ploy: Now, that you’re here. Lets go dance, babe!
Por: Wai----(Too late, Ploy already dragged him to the dance floor)
~Back to Amy & Cee~
Cee: Go sit down, I’ll get you a bottle of water.
Amy: Okay. (As she was finding an empty spot to sit this one girl (Jakajan) came up to her)
Jakajun: Excuse me, are you Amy? (She said in a mean way)
Amy: Yes, and you are-----
Jakajun: I’m Jakajun Suwannasuk Cee’s current girlfriend. (She’s just lying, she only wants Amy to quarrel with Cee)
Amy: Girlfriend? That’s not true.
Jakajun: Well, believe it or not Cee told me that he loves me only. He only wants to marry you because of the business and the will that your father made.
Amy: I don’t believe this.
Jakajun: Well, I’m leaving. (She disappeared into the crowd as Cee comes back from the drinking booth)
Cee: Here’s your bottle of water.
Amy: Thank you. (She grabs the bottle from his hands and walks away to sit by her mom)
Cee: Amy wait. (She ignores him and keep on walking)
Sneak Peak on Chapter 9
Amy: I want to go home, now!
Cee: No, you can only go unless I say so.
Amy: You lied to me!
Jakajun: Cee are you ready to go out for lunch?
Amy: (She drops the cellphone and is shocked)
Jakajun: (Closes the phone and laughs) Cee will only be mine.
Chapter 8
Wedding Day
Cee: (He wakes up) It’s show time, my love. You’ll be mine today. (Thinking about Amy)
Amy: (Wakes up in the room next to Cee’s) It’s show time, Cee. (She realizes that marrying Cee is a good idea so she can show how important love is and another reason is that she wants to help Cee with his business in the hotel.)
~The Day Before the Wedding~
Cee: This one right here. (The owner of “Jaya’s Antique Jewerly Shop” pulls out the ring that Cee wanted from the case)
Jaya: Here’s your ring sir.
Cee: Give me your hand, my love.
Amy: (She obdiently gives her hand to Cee) Here.
Cee: It fits perfectly. Lets get this one. (Cee gives Jaya the money and ring. Jaya takes the ring and puts it in a box and gives Cee the recipt)
Jaya: Here’s your ring and recipt, sir. Thank you for shopping at “Jaya’s Antique Jewerly Shop”. (He say that as Cee and Amy leaves the store)
Cee: Now lets go shop for your dress. (Looking at Amy, realizing she’s been quiet the whole day) Amy is something wrong.
Amy: No, nothing.
Cee: (He drives to “Mae’s Bridal Shop”) Let’s stop here. (Amy gets out of car and enters the store first)
Mae(the owner): Hello, welcome to Mae’s Bridal Shop, how can I help you today.
Amy: I’m here to look for a wedding dress.
Mae: I know just the perfect dress for you, come in the back with me. (Looking at Cee) Are you her friend?
Cee: No, I’m her fiancé.
Mae: You can come back here with us too so you can find some suits for you. After we find a perfect dress for your fiancé I’ll need to take pictures of you both.
~Picture time~
Photographer: Miss can you move a bit close to your fiancé? (Amy moves closer to Cee.) That’s good. (He takes a shot) Now both of you look at each other and smile. (He takes 2 shots) Great, we have some beautiful pictures here. Okay, now I’m going to take some single shots of each of you. Miss you’ll go first.
Amy: Ok. (Cee then steps behind the photographer and the people monitoring the computer)
Photographer: Smile for me. (Amy gives a big smile as she poses) Beautiful!
Cee: (He looks at the pictures from the computer and sees how beautiful Amy is) Wow, she’s so pretty (He whispers)
Photographer: Sir, you’re next. (Cee goes to where Amy posed for her pictures. Amy then steps behind the photographer) Now, smile for me. (He smiles as the photographer take his pictures. Amy looks at the pictures and realizes how handsome Cee is.)
Amy: (Thinking in her head) How can a handsome man like him says that love isn’t important.
~After taking pictures~
Amy: Cee, I would like to buy some pictures to put up for our wedding tomorrow.
Cee: Ok, I’ll pick the pictures though. I want it to be a surprise.
Amy: Why can’ I ju---
Cee: Listen to me, it’s a surprise.
~Back to Wedding day~
Guests are arriving to Cee’s house and are sitting down on the chairs. As they looked around they see the pictures that Cee and Amy took at “Mae’s Bridal Shop”.
Guest 1: Wow, the bride and groom suit each other so well.
Guest 2: Yes, the bride looks so sweet. I’m glad that Cee has found his soul mate.
Guest 3: Yes, that kid is old enough now. Now that his mother is getting old he needs some heirs.
Guest 1: (laughs) His kids will look as cute as his bride. (The guest “aka old ladies” starts to chuckle)
Guy: The groom has arrived. (Cee comes into the room filled with people. He sits down and waits for Amy at the front of the room.)
Ploy: The bride has arrived. (Amy steps into the room and is filled with shock. She couldn’t believe how much people were in there to attend her wedding. She walks to where Cee is sitting and sat by him.
~After the wedding ceremony~
Singer: Ladies and gentlemen let’s get this party started, but first the bride and the groom has to do their slow dance. Please welcome the bride and groom to the dance floor.
(The guests claps)
Cee: So how’s it going, my love? ( He puts one of his hand on her shoulder and let the other hold her back)
Amy: It’s good, if my parents and sister haven’t came here, I wouldn’t have survive the whole thing.
Cee: Don’t be surprise, tomorrow you’re going to be alone with me for a whole week.
Amy: What? One week alone with you?
Cee: Yes, it’s our honeymoon, my love. I’m going to have so much fun.
Amy: Sure you will. I’ll make your life miserable. (They just keep on dancing)
(While Cee & Amy are dancing Ploy is having a papaya competition with some old people)
Ploy: I’m going to win this contest!
Old woman: Sure, if you think you’re tough enough. If you win I’ll give you 2 tickets to visit the musical “Aida”.
Ploy: Are you serious? I’ve always wanted to see that musical!
Old man: (laughs) No water by the way.
Old woman 2: Let’s get started!
(Ploy was so eager about doing this competition and winning that free ticket that she forgot about Por’s cellphone. People around them started to chant Ploy’s name. “Ploy! Ploy! Ploy!”. Their chanting helped Ploy won the completion.)
Ploy: Yeah

Old woman: Wow, I thought you were going to lose. At first I was just kidding about the tickets, but here it is. (She gives Ploy the two ticket)
Ploy: Thank you very much! I will finally take my boyfriend to see this show with me. I’ll go get some drinks for us. (She gets up and goes to the drinks booth. The papaya salad was so spicy that she grabbed a cup and drink the whole cup in two gulps.
Por: Hey! (Ploy chokes on her drink)
Ploy: Por, how did you get here?
Por: Well, I came here to get my phone. I was having some business with Cee and I think I dropped my phone here.
Ploy: (Shocked) How did you know Cee? Wait didn’t you say you were watching lakorns at your house?
Por: Oh……about that. I wasn’t watching a lakorn. I was just saving a girl from getting hit by a car. I didn’t want you to misunderstood.
Ploy: Oh, okay, you should have just told me the truth. Anyways what business did you have with him?
Por: Oh…it’s just something important, you don’t need to worry about it.
Ploy: Now, that you’re here. Lets go dance, babe!
Por: Wai----(Too late, Ploy already dragged him to the dance floor)
~Back to Amy & Cee~
Cee: Go sit down, I’ll get you a bottle of water.
Amy: Okay. (As she was finding an empty spot to sit this one girl (Jakajan) came up to her)
Jakajun: Excuse me, are you Amy? (She said in a mean way)
Amy: Yes, and you are-----
Jakajun: I’m Jakajun Suwannasuk Cee’s current girlfriend. (She’s just lying, she only wants Amy to quarrel with Cee)
Amy: Girlfriend? That’s not true.
Jakajun: Well, believe it or not Cee told me that he loves me only. He only wants to marry you because of the business and the will that your father made.
Amy: I don’t believe this.
Jakajun: Well, I’m leaving. (She disappeared into the crowd as Cee comes back from the drinking booth)
Cee: Here’s your bottle of water.
Amy: Thank you. (She grabs the bottle from his hands and walks away to sit by her mom)
Cee: Amy wait. (She ignores him and keep on walking)
Sneak Peak on Chapter 9
Amy: I want to go home, now!
Cee: No, you can only go unless I say so.
Amy: You lied to me!
Jakajun: Cee are you ready to go out for lunch?
Amy: (She drops the cellphone and is shocked)
Jakajun: (Closes the phone and laughs) Cee will only be mine.