Sorry for the late update
So here's Chapter 14, I hope you enjoy it. Kinda boring...sorry.
Chapter 14
Bee: Good news, Amy. You’re able to go home today. Your wound is better from before. Just make sure that you don’t hurt your arm again or else it’s going to cause more injury to the bone.
Amy: I got it. Good thing it hit my left arm, but the bad thing is I’m going to handle things only with one arm.
Cee: (He comes into the room) Good morning, Amy. Good morning, Dr. Sawich.
Bee: Good morning to you.
Cee: (Goes to Amy to give her a hug) I miss you so much.
Amy: Me too. Ow…
Cee: Did I hurt you?
Amy: You squeezed my left arm to hard.
Cee: Sorry, I didn’t mean to. ( Kisses her on the forehead)
Bee: (Interrupts them with a grunt) Sorry, right now I need to take Amy for some tests before you both leave.
Cee: Ok.
(At the market)
Ever since the day Ploy distant herself from Por, she went shopping at the market almost every day to ease her mind. But every time she goes there, it reminded her of the time when they both first met. She missed that day because it changed her life forever. Por was the only and first guy that she had ever dated.
Ploy: (She sits on a bench with tears coming out of her eyes, while she silently talks to herself) I miss you Por. You don’t know how much I want you to be here with me now.
Por: (Pops up out of nowhere) Really?
Ploy: (Wipes away her tears) You! How come you are here?
Por: I was buying some fruits for my grandma when I saw you walking sadly around the market.
Ploy: So, you were following me? (Points her finger at him)
Por: Yes, not only today, the other days too.
Ploy: (Blinks repeatedly) Why? I thought I told you that we should distant ourselves for awhile since “you’re so busy with work”.
Por: (Laughs at her) Hahahaaha…..
Ploy: What’s so funny??? (Confused)
Por: (Keeps on laughing) Hahahhaahahaa…..
Ploy: Hey, if you don’t stop, I’m just going to leave. (Gets up and was about to leave when Por hold her back)
Por: Please don’t go. (Being serious this time)
Ploy: Let go, since you just want to laugh at me, I’ll just leave instead. (Tries to get away, but Por’s hold was too strong)
Por: I know that you’re angry at me, but please, just listen to me. I was only laughing at you because you were the one that was saying (He imitates in a girly voice of what Ploy was saying when she was sitting on the bench) “I miss you Por. You don’t know how much I want you to be here with me now.”
Ploy: I did not!
Por: Yes, you did!
Ploy: No way, I did not say that!
Por: Are you sure?
Ploy: Yes, I’m 100% sure (Crosses her arms)
Por: You sure again?
Ploy: Yes I--- (Por then pulls her in for a kiss)
Por: (When he tries to pull back, Ploy pulls him in) Whoa!
Ploy: (Pulls away) I miss you, Por. I'm sorry for yelling at you the other day. Is it okay, if we come back together?
Por: (Laughs) Alright, my love! ( Gives her another kiss on the lips)
Amy: So how's mother?
Cee: She's okay.
Amy: Who is going to take care of her?
Cee: Okay, I was going to ask you to do it, but your arm is not strong. So I decided to ask your sister.
Amy: That's good.
Cee: So when your arm heals, you can take care of mother.
Amy: Alright (Gives him a big smile)
(At Cee's house)
C's Mom: Jakajun please don't leave me. I know that you and my son had a past, but I want you to stay and take care of me. Okay?
Jakajun: I'm sorry, but your "son" doesn't want me here. How will I stand him when he's only going to ignore me and yell at me. I truly did love your son, but he thought I was too poor. (She lies, in order to get Cee's mom's sympathy)
C's Mom: Don't worry, I'll talk to him.
(Cee & Amy arrives)
C's Mom: (Goes outside while Jakajun goes to the restroom) Oh look, here comes my son and daughter-in-law! (Smiles)
Amy: (She walks up to the house and greets Cee's mom) Hello, mother. Are you feeling better?
C's Mom: Yes, honey. It's such a shame that your arm got shot. I'm truly sorry.
Amy: It's okay.
Cee: (Talking to Jakajun as she comes out of the restroom) What are you doing here? I thought I told you to leave this place?
Jakajun: Ow….your mom told me to stay. I could I "disobey her" (Gives a smirk)
Cee: Don't be fooling around with my mom.
Jakajun: Why would I? It's not like we never dated before. Don't you remember?
Cee: The past is the past, why don't you just leave it behind and start fresh?
Amy: (Interrupts) Cee where are you? (She then sees Jakajun and feels uneasy) Um…aren't you----
Jakajun: I'm Jakajun, I'm going to take care of Cee's mom.
Amy: What? Cee I thought you said----
Cee: She's lying (Talks to Jakajun) Now get out!
C's Mom: Son, don't kick her out like that. I want her to take care of me.
Cee: No, mom. She's not trustful!
C's Mom: Well, I trust her.
Cee: Mom, if you let her stay in this house, I'm going to leave.
C's Mom: If you are doing that, then I won't consider you as my son anymore!
Cee: But mom!
Amy: Cee just let it go. Don't get mother angry or else she's going to get more sick.
Cee: Alright mom. (To Jakajun) Remember, don't mess around with my mom, you hear me? (Gives her the angry look)
Jakajun: (Sweetly answers him) Okay, Cee.
Cee: Come on, Amy let's go put your suitcases upstairs.
Amy: Okay.
To be continued………………