Shiat, I don't live to please those people everyday so think what they want. Only God can judge me. People going to judge you and say things about you till the day you die so live however you want and do whatever the heck you feel like doing. Ain't nobody perfect. I'm going to live life how I want and they do theirs. But heck, I don't need no body to come knocking on my door saying the way I live isn't right or whatever you know. I don't go knocking on their door saying they got the wrong religion, or they got too many kids, or they're dressing too poor you know. Live it the way you want till you die. It's your life and nobody else's. If they can't accept me for who I am and how I live, then apparently they don't belong in my life.
How would you respond to a person who trips/complains a lot? (Like every time you meet them, they're always complaining about things.)