How can Neung do that after Papop is finally sincere and devoted to her? He was so sweet and has become a complete makes me so mad that she only shows him affection in order to win her enemies...He has no idea either, that's the saddest part. I know that he's not gonna get mad, he's just gonna get completely heart-broken, especially after seeing the preview where Neung is telling his mom that she doesn't love Papop...the look on his face when she realizes he's behind her...broke my heart to see even if it was just a second...I can't believe she did that...he changed already, if she wanted revenge, she shouldn't use his love for her as a tool...That's so wrong of her. Every cute scene they have makes me cringe, because he's so in love, with no idea that the woman he loves more than anything is just using him to get revenge. Granted, he took revenge on her and used her love for him to hurt her, but he apologized, and he did it because of a mother he thought he knew...But no matter what, he realized that he loved her too much to continue to do that to her. I'm trying to see this from both sides here, but no matter how I look at it, Neung is still wrong to me. It was their chance to start over, but she didn't take it...I somehow feel worse for him than I did for her when he was practically abusing her. Because in a way, he kept hurting her physically, but that's all he could do, it was obvious that he loved her, even through his anger, half the things he did was because of love...the jealousy, etc...But she's using his emotions and toying with his feelings, after he finally becomes vulnerable and admits continually to her that he loves her. I FEEL SO BAD FOR PAPOP!!!