gosh i very love nat in here

. this lakorn is very interesting,but i do want to see more of nat and peak together. @ meenia cuz nat was steal wanmai or peak from the doctor and oh not agree that nat is steal he his wife to hide. so oh want to put nat in jail and say nat is crazy person cuz sometime nat have like two person in one. so sometime nat is so mean but sometime is very nice. also i think oh oh know that nat and peak are connection or something like that. nat have to go live crazy or a take care of doctor. on this time i very pity nat he try to do everything to make peak remember him.
on this part i very hate oh and want to punch him so hard. i was so sad when watch the part that peak,she wake up and she to not remember nat at all. on this part i have cry when see nat cry i love the way nat is crying, he is like it come out from inside. i still watch this lakorn in youtube or in other website.