P'Dyno ah, that would be a hard question because it would depend on the situation.
But I would consider that cheating. I mean, I agree with Cappy. S L U T. Mean or no?
Anyways, what I think is, if the girl found out that she had more interest in Boy B
and then she broke up with Boy A and immediately got together with Boy B, I'd have
to say, total slut. But if she felt that her relationship with Boy A was coming to an end,
and she broke up with him and later on decided she was going to date Boy B, I guess
that wouldn't be called cheating. But then you can't really say that Boy B like Girl A
but Girl A didn't do anything to hint him. Obviously, she did do some kind of thing with
him and it caused her to change her mind about Boy A. She probably went beyond
friends with Boy B in order to realize that she likes Boy B more than Boy A. Get my
meaning? Am I confusing? O__O Now, if Girl A told Boy A about how she hangs out
with Boy B, et cetera, et cetera, then it would be cheating with him knowing it?
Besides, don't just bash the girl. What about the guy?
How do you know that Boy A is being faithful? Maybe Girl A has started to have doubts.
Also, does Boy A not trust Girl A enough with some other guy? Is that why he is jealous?
Maybe Girl A isn't happy about his jealousy and that he distrusts her so she started to
hang out with Boy B more to spite him. However, in the end, Girl A ends up liking Boy B
more than she did Boy A. Wouldn't Boy A be at fault for the consquences? Or sort of?
Maybe his parents are at fault because they moved and Boy A had to go with them?
Ooh...What about Girl B? LOLs. I'm just kidding. Is my concept weird?
I'm starting to lose my understanding too. O__O
(Psst! Joey, shut up.)