Wow, he did his research on Mu Cheng's capabilities of raising Xiao Le on her own...he was serious. So if he was really bad and wanted revenge, he would've just taken her to court, and she would've lost. Granted, TY calling kind of threw his plans out the window, so we'll never know what lengths he would've taken.
Oh, TY made things worse for Mu Cheng by making that stupid phone call...he's the one making Guang Xi believe that she wants to be with TY, when she really doesn't. He's making the misunderstanding between Guang Xi and Mu Cheng even greater. Even though TY's reasons for Mu Cheng keeping Xiao Le are valid...he acted as if Guang Xi had a choice in not being in his son's life, and I bet that made him even angrier.
Somehow, I can't be mad at Guang Xi when it comes to's like he was poking a hungry bear...Holding Mu Cheng's hand when in plain sight, saying he was gonna marry Mu least he was trying to be fair, to share custody...but I think the marriage thing made him change his mind. It's hard for me to feel sorry for TY, because he keeps expecting Mu Cheng to return his feelings when she can't or won't...I like that Guang Xi did all it took to keep his family together...yeah, they were wrong, no one should have that kind of power over another person's life, he for one should know that...but I think he felt he had no other choice...and he's too busy being angry at everyone to even care. I loved his evil smile...but he does have a conscience, and he did feel bad, he showed it after Mu Cheng and TY left...I think he believes that the options he's using are his only options...He really didn't have time to think of anything better.
Love and hate go hand-in-hand...the only reason why Guang Xi hates Mu Cheng so much is because it's coming from how much he loves her. You can't hate someone you don't love, you can have no feelings for them, like a feeling of indifference, but you can't hate them...She is blinded by her fear of losing her son, and it's understandable...but she's not seeing that he really does love her, under all that hatred and anger...I just wish she didn't bring up TY so much around him...
I hope the scenes of Guang Xi, Mu Cheng, and Xiao Le being a family happily isn't just from pormotional purposes like that scene in the rain...
I do feel bad for Mu Cheng, cuz she seems so sad and stressed...I'm not trying to blame her for anything. But she was aware of her how did she expect Guang Xi to react? I think a lot of the people in Guang Xi's life underestimate and take advantage of him because of the things he doesn't know. I can understand a mother not wanting to part from her child because his father threatened her...but she didn't give Guang Xi the benefit of the doubt...I mean, how could she? But she automatically assumed the worst, rightly so, but she's acting as if he's this evil father or something, when all he wants is the time he lost with his son...time he didn't even know he had. It hurt me to see Guang Xi so hurt when Xiao Le was telling him to his face that he had no to Guang Xi, the more he hurts, the more he wants Mu Cheng to hurt. Of course it's not right, but I can't feel bad for Mu Cheng without feeling bad for Guang Xi...and I can't seem to be angry with him.
I like TY's mom as the voice of reason...she makes a lot of sense...and she's helping Mu Cheng understand her situation with Guang Xi better...both of their feelings as well. She's right, or the script is...the situation is really simple, it's the people that make things complicated.
Even in Guang Xi's evil plans, there's still thoughtfulness behind it...He told Yi Qian that he wanted to marry Mu Cheng because he wanted to keep Xiao Le...but he also added because Mu Cheng can't be without Xiao Le...not that Xiao Le couldn't be without Mu Cheng. If he was really evil or really hated Mu Cheng, he would just take Xiao Le...why can't Mu Cheng see that he still loves and cares about her? Guang Xi is a lot easier to read than Mu Cheng is...maybe that's why Guang Xi is so frustrated, he's always trying to figure Mu Cheng out, but he can't. And if only Mu Cheng stopped for a second to try to figure Guang Xi out, she could, but she's always either begging him to not do something, or not even looking him in the eye.
It seems like Guang Xi didn't really love Yi Qian the way he thought, as much to spend his life with her...because even in anger and hatred, he chooses to marry Mu Cheng instead of the woman he loved in the past 6 years. Mu Cheng was always his true love though, even under these circumstances, but both Mu Cheng and Guang Xi don't realize it yet. Both of them are getting good advice, but I doubt they'll take it.
Wow, Xiao Le's words were so true!!! He's so adorable...How can you as an adult, lie to a child. Poor kid, always knew that was his dad, but kept getting told to stop thinking that way...even Guang Xi wanted to be Xiao Le's dad so badly, but believed that he wasn't. They have such a smart kid, I'm glad, because he can definitely bring them together.
Guang Xi's words at the court was so hurtful, but he was only try to hurt her first. That's the most common defense's very childish, but what can we expect? Definitely selective memory...about Mu Cheng bringing up TY, which is true. She brings him into the picture first. Dang, looks like he really wanted to kiss her, good thing Xiao Le was there.