Yam is OKAY looking to me back then. She's NOT all that good looking (fans of Yam, please don't get offense, it's my opinion). However, in this movie, she is very pretty. I guess it's the way she dresses and the way she puts her hair.
That's the opposite of me. To me, I've always though she was cute-pretty in Nam Jai Mae to Tepsin Intarajak. And I then thought she was at her best, most gorgeous in Tep Sarm Rudoo. And I'm not sure if it's b/c boran lakorns don't draw me anymore or b/c I don't follow her work adamantly anymore, but in any case, I don't see anything special about her beauty that I once saw. Don't get me wrong, I was one of Yam's biggest fan, and if I were to choose which one is currently my fav. or all time favorite, I'd still say Yam and no one else has taken that place yet and probably won't ever. But somewhere along the way, I feel like she's lost her charm and glamour, at least to me. And I'm sad to say this, but her acting doesn't draw me anymore either. Maybe it's the directing that caused, but sometimes I'm afraid it's not only that, but it is her acting that has plummeted, imo of course. See, sometimes when you "have it," it doesn't matter how good or bad looking you are in actuality, you "have it" and people will THINK you look good, regardless; it's like having a "sanay." Everyone has it in them but it depends on how well you project it and who it reaches. Like Ken for instance, he's been in the industry for a long time, but it wasn't until Oum Ruk that he charmed the audience (although for me, it was Neung Nai Suang). Anyways, Yam is still pretty of course, but she's failed to draw me in for a long time already--yet considering everything, I've actually been very patient, even though with the way things are looking, I doubt boran lakorns will ever be the same again.
Then again, considering she's my favorite, maybe I expect too much and don't expect the same from others. In any case, I can't really bother with boran lakorns much these days anyways. Maybe it's me who has changed.blah, etc.
Edit: I just realized what I wrote and contemplated about it. One word: AMAGAD. *facepalms mahself*