Updates on Various Couples: Anne, Ken, Chakrit, Chompoo, etc.


sarNie Oldmaid
Hmm most of the engagement ceremony are intimate. It might be that most are held on the same day as their celebration so it didn't look intimate from pictures. Like Lydia, Aff, Khun Yo, Noon, and ect were all intimate. Only their closes friends and family were there. :)


`my dragon's blood is blue`
If you can live like a princess, you might as well do it.
I like her dress choice. Very classy and appropriate. The flower arrangements are beautiful. I like the theme she's going for. I wonder what Poo's wedding would be like Lol It'll probably be just as grand. (if Poo and the bro ends up getting married that is)


sarNie OldFart
I don't know. I feel like these actresses are only in it for the money. In reality, you really think they'd go for them? I think they're more in love with their wealthy status. They see security in the men and end up falling for that part of them first, then the man as a person. 


sarNie Oldmaid
x0unerthanlater said:
If you can live like a princess, you might as well do it.
I like her dress choice. Very classy and appropriate. The flower arrangements are beautiful. I like the theme she's going for. I wonder what Poo's wedding would be like Lol It'll probably be just as grand. (if Poo and the bro ends up getting married that is)
I don't think Poo and Note's will be as grand, that is if he/she is the one because Poo seems more down to earth. I so feel that they won't be far behind though because they seem to really love each other and making it more public. Lol I like his caption on their pix together "the force is strong" lol. That usually happens at your brother's wedding, elders always ask when it will be your time.


`my dragon's blood is blue`
Mahalo said:
I don't know. I feel like these actresses are only in it for the money. In reality, you really think they'd go for them? I think they're more in love with their wealthy status. They see security in the men and end up falling for that part of them first, then the man as a person. 
I guess in that kind of surrounding, you meet people with money and status a lot. It's not like she's out in the countryside and would meet some farmer. But I know what you mean though. I do feel like majority of the dara's want to feel secure. It's always been in the headlines about dara's being the hi-so's "plaything". It's cool if they are really in love, but like you said it's money/status first, then personality second.
Ncmeowmeow35 said:
I don't think Poo and Note's will be as grand, that is if he/she is the one because Poo seems more down to earth. I so feel that they won't be far behind though because they seem to really love each other and making it more public. Lol I like his caption on their pix together "the force is strong" lol. That usually happens at your brother's wedding, elders always ask when it will be your time.
I'm pretty sure it'll be grand because it's more for his side of the family than anything. UNLESS she really puts down her foot and says she wants a private gathering.


sarNie OldFart
x0unerthanlater said:
I guess in that kind of surrounding, you meet people with money and status a lot. It's not like she's out in the countryside and would meet some farmer. But I know what you mean though. I do feel like majority of the dara's want to feel secure. It's always been in the headlines about dara's being the hi-so's "plaything". It's cool if they are really in love, but like you said it's money/status first, then personality second.
Yeah but they always seem to choose the richest of the rich. Lol. Why can't they be regular rich? It's always hi-so. 


sarNie OldFart
Oh yeah, forgot to mention. The engagement ceremony felt close and intimate because it was private. They only invited close family and friends. Ploy Chermarn made news because a fan asked her why she wasn't there. She replied back saying she wasn't invited when a couple posts back she was talking about shopping for a dress to wear to Chompoo's wedding. Ploy came out to clear that the engagement ceremony was private. Only close family and friends were invited. Ploy isn't close to Chomp so she didn't get invited, but she is invited to the reception so don't make drama out of it. Lol. 


`my dragon's blood is blue`
Mahalo said:
Yeah but they always seem to choose the richest of the rich. Lol. Why can't they be regular rich? It's always hi-so. 
Lol, of course they'll reach for the apple that's at the highest point of the tree!
This is their pattern: date around with other dara's, and possibly regular people, THEN they go for the hi-so. lol


sarNie Oldmaid
Mahalo said:
Oh yeah, forgot to mention. The engagement ceremony felt close and intimate because it was private. They only invited close family and friends. Ploy Chermarn made news because a fan asked her why she wasn't there. She replied back saying she wasn't invited when a couple posts back she was talking about shopping for a dress to wear to Chompoo's wedding. Ploy came out to clear that the engagement ceremony was private. Only close family and friends were invited. Ploy isn't close to Chomp so she didn't get invited, but she is invited to the reception so don't make drama out of it. Lol.
Lol I don't buy that because she did post that she was gonna go get a dress for her 'peun sii' wedding. Doesn't peun sii mean close friends? A lot of people were saying that she wasn't invited because of the lady Ploy had drama with a year or so ago. They said that it could be that Chom wanted to give respect to the lady because she highly highly respect her. Well regardless of whatever, at least she's going to the celebration party.


sarNie OldFart
CR: Sanook
OMG, she looks like she has a hunchback or does she want to be superwoman? What's wrong with their tastes lately?

LOL what is she wearing? One day, she's going to look back at her wedding pictures and be like, "Was this really what I wore at my wedding?" XD


sarNie Tombstone
i went to see in ig and i saw this she looked fabulous in this one , she should wear this from the start and just throw the first one from the window , well it's her wedding and her taste so it's her own happiness , she looked happy and that's the most important thing 


sarNie OldFart
CR: Sanook
So far, the brides all look better at their wedding conferences than their actual wedding night.



