wet bed normal??


sarNie Adult
u get this/normal well this only happen once since i'm grown it started with a dream seems so real anyways i dreamt of the rain is pouring very hard it felt good but when i wake up in the middle of the night my bed was wet i couldn't believe it because i haven't wet my bed like 10-15 years ago what u think


sarNie Juvenile
ur revertign to ur old self lol but sriously its probably because u drank alot before u slept and probably been stress out alot lately


Tell me about it.
girl it's either you are VERY sick, or you're bored and just posting around. :huh: . girl you just need to stop asking questions and go to the hospital asap. if i were you, i'll be sitting in the doctor's office half freaked out right now(according to all the things you told us)..

and since im half hmong, i'll be at some uncle's (no dad) house begging for him to do some jingle bell (in hmong call- ua ning) thing for me.


Sarnie Clown!
Are you going through puberty by any chance? Someone above me mentioned you're a girl so a wet dream is out. But perhaps you got the female version.

I suggest taking down all those boy band posters. You can leave the one of darv up though. He's nowhere near sexy enough to give you wet dreams.



sarNie Fansubber
wet bed cos of wet dreams? hahahaha....

Just pee before u sleep girl, and u will not have ur bed wet anymore... ur dreams are just a reproduction of things happening in real (u are peeing) lol...


sarNie Adult
mam i neva peed ma bed 555 if ur havin these dreams from what i heard u need to see someone about it coz it could lead to violance i mean i used to be violent wen i was little in ma sleep i 'apperntly' tried to kill ma mom with a bottle that i had in bed i was wackin it on her head and then tried to strangle her so yeah u should get something done coz now i only kick in bed accordin to shaz 555

Muddie Murda

Um, I don't know....maybe bed wetting isn't normal...unless you know you've got a problem already, and this is one of the causes...

Like Penny said, you'd probably need to see a doc.

Are you going through puberty by any chance? Someone above me mentioned you're a girl so a wet dream is out. But perhaps you got the female version.

I suggest taking down all those boy band posters. You can leave the one of darv up though. He's nowhere near sexy enough to give you wet dreams.

Haha nice Mardie...I still have my poster of you up. ^____^ I took down the shrine though.


lol when i was reading the topic, thinking u are a girl, i was thinking oh! sweat when u wake up...? like u know when u wake up and the weather is freezing cold but yet u sweat from ur dream because u were sooo absorbed... i've had that... but when i read wet in the thread... i'm thinking urinated on ur bed because of a dream? hmmm maybe almost once when i dreamt i was in a toilet ready to pee, but my concious told me i'm dreaming so i woke up and headed to the bathroom...

but um why are u having so many problems with the known area lately? i think u are just beginning to learn about it? hmmm have u had health ed, maybe seeing a doc will also be good for u since u do have many unanswered questions.


Bai Yang [♥] Fong T. Xiong
Um, I don't know....maybe bed wetting isn't normal...unless you know you've got a problem already, and this is one of the causes...

Like Penny said, you'd probably need to see a doc.

Haha nice Mardie...I still have my poster of you up. ^____^ I took down the shrine though.
LMFAO, Mud & Mard. Dang. Ha, ha.
You guys are so funny. But since
I don't have wet dreams, I can keep
my posters up, right? JK, JK!

Dang Muddie, boycotting RS? ME TOO!

But if all these weird things keep
happening to you, little, do what I said.
And what Quarter said. Go to the doctor.
And what I'd recommend first is, talk to
your parents about it. These topics are
so funky. >_< How old are you?


sarNie Adult
wows, ur a brave soul to post this. :) like genk says, it's primarily due to stress. i'm sure it's just a one time thing. n no wet dreams do not work that way, except for maybe marduk (cuz he's a hairy girl). and ice, u sound like Stewy, it's amazing ur mom survived ur childhood. :lol: don't sweat it little