What are you thinking right now?



I'mma go rule the world by cooking!!!! yummie..come to my house tonight..i got food!!!! :D

Wai Wai Noodles

Egg Drop Soup ( ~ _ * )
noungning said:
wow can u rule my world then... i need a cooker!! i mean chef. :p
LOL...I'm a good cook :p not to boast about it or anything Muahahaha :lol:

Eat at your own risk and I'm not liable for any weird things after consumption :w000t:

But, even better we need a hunk to be our cook...a hottie in the kitchen<<<dont see that tooo often :shock:


mizterkevin said:
if you're going to rule the world with cooking than what will martha stuart do?

noungning said:
wow can u rule my world then... i need a cooker!! i mean chef. :p

Wai Wai Noodles said:
LOL...I'm a good cook  :p not to boast about it or anything Muahahaha  :lol:

Eat at your own risk and I'm not liable for any weird things after consumption  :w000t:

But, even better we need a hunk to be our cook...a hottie in the kitchen<<<dont see that tooo often  :shock:

@Kev - shoo i would run Martha Stuart outta business...we'll do alittle Asian-style/americana!!! lol......i can see it: Sexy Lek's Kitchen of Love! :lmao: comming to a TV near you!!!! 2,00whenever! :lmao:

@Ting Tong Ning - Anytime Ning...i'm always here....to float your boat with food! :wub:

@Noodles - where can we find these hunkie cook's at? hey hey...lets give out application! i tell you know that it wouldn't be safe if lek's in the room with that hunkie chef, cause she'll rock his world! :wub:

Wai Wai Noodles

Egg Drop Soup ( ~ _ * )
lalalek said:
@Noodles - where can we find these hunkie cook's at? hey hey...lets give out application! i tell you know that it wouldn't be safe if lek's in the room with that hunkie chef, cause she'll rock his world! :wub:
Lmao! Yes, it would not be safe with you in the kitchen with the hottie chef... :p

My food will never get done and I'll be starving <_<

LOLOL!!! Not to mention the potentials of food contamination...Ewww! :eek: :shocked: :lol:


Wai Wai Noodles said:
Lmao! Yes, it would not be safe with you in the kitchen with the hottie chef... :p

My food will never get done and I'll be starving <_<

LOLOL!!! Not to mention the potentials of food contamination...Ewww! :eek: :shocked: :lol:
how are you gunna contaminate your food when your just making Noodles? lol!!! nah, i get what you mean...ting tong ning....beware of noodles cooking...she'll lure you with the food and then poison you with her love!!! oOOohhhh!!! can i try?

Wai Wai Noodles

Egg Drop Soup ( ~ _ * )
lalalek said:
how are you gunna contaminate your food when your just making Noodles? lol!!! nah, i get what you mean...ting tong ning....beware of noodles cooking...she'll lure you with the food and then poison you with her love!!! oOOohhhh!!! can i try?
LOL...you are going to contaminate my food by droooooooooling all over and into my bowl of noodles while still in awe of the hottie's buff body, sexy voice, and cook'n skills :lol:


Wai Wai Noodles said:
LOL...you are going to contaminate my food by droooooooooling all over and into my bowl of noodles while still in awe of the hottie's buff body, sexy voice, and cook'n skills :lol:
ahh..i was hoping for a Soccer Stud to cook for me, i don't do Buff dudes even if their sexy but okay focus focus lek......cooking skills and sexy voice..yes yes..lol!!!!!! yeah that's why you have to close my mouth once i begain to drool!!!!


noungning said:
k ppl i'm leaving whaaaaaaaaaaa :( no more chatting for some time... but yay shopping and food!!! :w000t: lol
oh no..fishy ning is leaving......darn it the party's gone for a month or so..how are we planning to celebrate now? lol

What i am i thinking right now? hmmm...i am not sure..mix feeling about everything.......life is still boring, love intrest is losing it's flavor, happiness is still in my dreams...... :wacko: i need a new job, i can't stand school cause i'm learning nothing from the teachers......i need to excerse cause i look like a cow..lol!!!!! too much on my mind.....

share some anyone?


Am i going to finish my report in time for today? i hope so....cause i need to pass the class with my head up..lol..... who doesnt love sappy music? everyone does...... :D