Haha, my app is on it's way to you now. Here's a preview of it.
Name: Marduk B)
Likes: bonfires on the beach, chillaxing at the mall, watching people put pots on their head and then run at each other at full speed like two bulls, monkeys, nice people, funny people, cute angry people, people who are nice & funny & cute when their angry, monkeys that can change the channel, NYC, walking in the rain, and the Donald Trump
Dislikes: waking up in the morning and my left smallest toe (anyone ever notice how it's not useful at all?)
Skills: Cooking (I make edible food), cleaning (you will be able to move around the house), car washing, cuddling, putting up with annoying relatives, procrastinating (I spend more time on this resume than I did on my more pressing work at this time), and sewing.
Willing to: satisfy you mentally, spiritually, and um....physically?
References: Muddie, Sunflower (um :unsure: , let's avoid asking Sunnie about me unless you really really have to)
Contact: If you find me at all desireable (man, I hope there are such things as miracles), please go to www.helpabrotherout.com or just call 1-800-ADOPT-AN-ASIAN. Don't worry that there might be too many numbers. It'll go through.
And finally, can you drive? I really like someone who can drive me around because I can't myself....