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I hate this feeling of not having anything to wear when I have about 50 dresses and most of it has never been touched. When there's a wedding or party to go to, I am always searching to buy a new dress...such an annoying habit.
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lol, it's the worst habit to have. Especially going on vacation. I tend to go shopping every time I am about to go traveling even if my closet is full of clothes. I always act like I have nothing to wear or worst is, I would actually shop for clothes whichever county I am in. It drives my husband crazy hahahah
Hahaha you're not alone. Like seriously im the same way. I would buy 3-4 dresses each time i have an event. Half of my closet still has tags. I hardly pack for vacations because i know I'll bring new clothes home.
byebye goodness we are awful lol. A few months ago I gave away 15 bags of clothes. I almost cried when I was cleaning out my closet to realized the amount of clothes I have. I was like, I am not buying anymore clothes. But now, I am running out of hangers lol. I overpack for vacation but always end up buying clothes and have no room lol.
Am I the only one getting a lot of errors on this website after the update? Whenever I try to post in a thread, it says error. Then when I try to post it again, I refresh the page and both of the posts pop up and I have to delete one. Also whenever I try to like someone else’s post, it says error too.
What's happening, Philippines? Now no doubt why we are still a third world country. Can't wait to migrate somewhere else outside this country.
patiently downloading "Put Your Head On My Shoulders". ML is so cute!!! it's so refreshing that the ML falls in love first. it reminded me a lot of Love O2O :love:
You know the best way of helping someone who has depression is to not pressure them by telling them to fight and that they can make it, but it’s to listen to what they have to say. It might be hard for them to open up to you at first, but let them know that you are there for them and always listen.
In this cold autumn morning.... i just want to stay in bed and it isnt even winter yet
Hahahah i have moments i love the cold or hot weather. But summer is like my least fav when its really hot.
I strongly dislike hot and humid weather.
Hahahaa but i have to deal with the hot and humid weather every summer.
Had the worst panic attack while driving yesterday. I thought I wouldn’t make it back home but deep breathing, prayer and mindfulness helped. But Damn I was on the highway and it was terrifying..
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Have you tried listening to relaxing music when you drive? I have few patients who has chronic attacks. When it comes on, they'll pull over and turn on those music. It's hard to do the first few times, but eventually they're able to manage it.
I haven’t tried the relaxing music but thank you for the tip! I have tried chewing gum and that helps! I’ve also put the windows down, sat straighter in my seat when I feel like slumping over. I’ve managed to get through w/o pulling over but it helps to know others do pull over because of an attack!
Glad you made it back safe! I have a friend who has them frequently and it takes her a very long time to calm down, usually speaks on the phone through the attack. She's identified some triggers but often there isn't one. May you stay safe and find what works for you!
She's beautiful. I heard she's under Ae supachai. She have the beautiful from her parents Nok and Johnny, let hope her acting is as good. She hasn't act yet but I'm a fan lol I wonder what ch. Will pick her up.
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That’s really Johnny’s daughter? She look different from the other daughter, but look like the son instead. She look mixed Indian, she’s beautiful!
Wow she’s very pretty! She looks like her dad. She looks like she’s in the age range that Taew, Matt, and Bella are.
Some people can hate on Kim Kardashian all they want but that girl is smart as f*ck! She acts dumb for millions but some of y’all act dumb for free lol Her and her mom turned a sex tape into a billion dollar empire.
Haha, I don’t watch them and have no idea what they do.
@Koy123 so basically they have their famous reality TV show plus all of these spin off shows and their own very successful makeup brands and clothing brands. They also make a shit ton of money off of advertising random products on their instagrams. Just from one ig post promoting a product, they get like six figures. It’s so crazy to me!! You should watch the early seasons of their show.
Haha, it’s good. I don’t like to watch any reality shows. I wish I can make money out of nothing too. Lol
Hey guys. If you have any issues logging in, reset your password on AF and you will be able to login to SR. Sorry about that! :(
I like the flat design layout but not the big fonts. Need to adjust zoom level on my browser to be it on my liking.
I like it its easy to use just dislike when we open a thread it open at the first page.
I like it overall tho. It's just the big font size that makes me "eeh". On normal zoom level, it's big and I don't like it but the layout and everything in it, I like it. A good change for AF after years. :)
I like it. Its just going to take us all time to get use to this new look since we had the old layout for so long.
Hey darvil!! Thankyou for the work you do for the site!!! this new look is amazing.. and its nice to finally see something new. ♡