sarNie OldFart
Okay I guess I'll go for it 
Hopefully I don't change my mind.
Hopefully I don't change my mind.
awee. you let it go?? bummers.. but hey, you're probably beter off without him. hehe.Thanks pTina again.
Well I decided not to tell him my feelings.
We just cleared everything out.
And he didn't ask for my feelings.
He just wanted to know if I was sad/mad about the situation.
But he didn't take it seriously that I really liked him, he only thinks its a joke.
So all is fine now.
I'll decide to let my feelings out to him if he ever asks or when I believe its time to.
Thanks to everyone who gave me advices on this topic!
Ahah, sweet, Amy is really addicted to the guy. You should give us some feedback. Since I have no lakorn to watch, I should read your feedbacksYay more stories! Haha. I'll have to read your story now Judy.
Noy that guy is so sweet, its good you guys are still friends =]
Noungning, thanks for the advice =] I've been in alot of one sided loves also.
I know I am still young but sometimes its tiring waiting and waiting for that special someone *sighs*
But I am sure of myself that I want him I used to like soooooo many guys but this time I'm sure he is the ony one I really like.
oh he's really a sweetheart, but i'm not attracted to him physically so it wouldn't work out. i still feel bad for breaking up with him the way i did. but we're still friends, not as close as before, but he's always there when i need him. hehe.Yay more stories! Haha. I'll have to read your story now Judy.
Noy that guy is so sweet, its good you guys are still friends =]
Noungning, thanks for the advice =] I've been in alot of one sided loves also.
I know I am still young but sometimes its tiring waiting and waiting for that special someone *sighs*
But I am sure of myself that I want him I used to like soooooo many guys but this time I'm sure he is the ony one I really like.
doesn't it feel sooo good to wake up and first thing you see is your love? haha. call it what you want, but when i see his face in the morning, my day's already good. :wub: damn, i need to stop talking about him, i sound soo sprung. hahah. he's the one that is suppose to be sprung on me! lols.Lol wow judy and noy thanks for sharing!
Man judy lol thats how i feel about my hubby x3 :wub: LOL
it's so funny because he leaves for work early in the morning before I'm awake
So when I wake up I go, "Loser can you turn the fan back on after you get dressed" LOL cause he turns the ceiling fan off before he showers so he won't be cold when he's done. And we like idiots leave our AC running hahaha and we turn our ceiling fans on so it gets super cold. So I like lay there I'm like "loser can you turn the fan back on when your dressed." and no response and i think back and smile at myself for being so gay cause i remember he had already left for work hahaha. LOL
i agree w/ you. people shouldn't waste too much time on finding their guy/girl. when the time is right, it'll happen. im not a partier so i can say those days are done with. but a lot of my friends with kids are still out there partying like crazy & i think thats just sad because when you bring kids into the world, you should stop your bullshit & take responsibility. <_<oh he's really a sweetheart, but i'm not attracted to him physically so it wouldn't work out. i still feel bad for breaking up with him the way i did. but we're still friends, not as close as before, but he's always there when i need him. hehe.
sweetie, you shouldn't waste too much time on guys, experience life! ^_^ go clubbing, parties, do crazy things! go wild in life. things will fall in to place sooner or later.![]()
exactly, i've done this and to think about it, i do regret it. i've liked someone so much... same thing as the OP mentioned... this is the one i wanna be with, i've liked so many other people, but this is the one, and i believe it deep down [and sometimes i do still think about it...
generally speaking, i would say no. when you do that, you tend to not see what's right in front of you & you let opportunities pass you by.
Lols. Just chill =D That is my advice. First of all, you should ask yourself what you want in life! =D Then determine if you need this guy or not. Guys come and go. There are many wonderful guys out there so be open to other people too.*This took me 2 days to write this, quite personal but though I'd share =)
I've like this guy for 2 and 1/2 years almost 3. I started to like him during the being of 8th grade. It's weird how I still remember the exact date it was September 16, 2005. And know we're now sophomores and still go to the same school. I've always wanted to be his friend and to be able to talk to him. One of my friends spilled out to him that I liked him while we were in 8th grade. I had 1 class with him and lunch. He told my friend that he didn't like me in that kind way. I was sad, no lies. I was so shy when he found out. And guess what? Thee friend that told him I liked him ended up dating him for a couple months. He liked her and she ended up liking him also. I didn't have any hatred for her though, it wasn't her fault but it hurted me so much that they were dating but later I got used to it. I was happy for him while I was sad and heartbroken also. I cried the day I found out they were dating. But than I got over it. I still liked him although I told the friend that was dating him that I didn't like him anymore, but really I was lying. She asked me if I still like him while they were dating and she said she wouldn't mind but I didn't want to hurt her so I lied but I bet she knew I was lying. But a couple months later they broke up. He was heartbroken and yes I felt pity for them, of course. Yes, that's how 8th grade passed by. 9th grade I didn't see him at all. I said hi to him around thee hallways when I was able to but it seemed like her didnt care. He liked another of my friend that year although she moved the year before that she was my best friend in fact but I was happy for them although they didn't date just more like benefits I took her to one of thee dances we had during that year so that they'd meet again and I wanted her to be there also. I was jealous at thee dance, of course but then I wanted him to be happy no matter what. I mean that's the least I can do for him since I can't give him anything more but they're over now, I'm sure. So many things has occurred those past 2 years. It wasn't till mid-December that was when we became friends and now we're close friends well at least good friends. I tell him basically everything since my I never see my best guy friend anymore. He tells me some things but he's not much of a talker but I love it when he is which is once in while, I want him to open more but I'm fine how he is right now. At least I get to talk to him. I wasn't so sure of myself if I would be able to talk to him but I just did it and he was thee reason why I have confidence in myself now. But I wished I we could have been friends earlier but oh well things are good right now no need to go back to thee past. But all these years I find myself still liking him, still having those same feelings for him. I tried so hard to get over him and move on because he doesn't feel the same it worked at one moment but then those same feelings keep coming back like its haunting me, seriously. I just can't get over him, I've got my reasons. Ha, he was the first for almost everything although we never dated. I've had my moments with him. Well, it was a kiddish love at first I think, it seems so immature now that I think back to it. Me and my friends, so foolish. But do you guys think its impossible to get over him? At times I think it is 'cause I've tried so many times but I just can't. Liking him I realized many experiences I never did before and learned many things, he was my first real crush. 'Cause that's when I learned and realized what liking a person really is. That feeling you get inside and what matters thee most, etc, etc. Sorry my story is so long, but I'm gonna stop here or else it'll never end. One of my girls say I should tell him before school ends, but I don't think so. I am planning to tell him how I've felt about him along when we'e done with our senior year but we'll see that's only if I've still got feelings for him. But everyday when I am with him and talking to him it gives me that special feeling that I just can't get rid of. I'm not sure of how he feels now but I'd rather not know. Everyday I try to not make it obvious that I like him so much. I just hope for the best, I'm rather happy being friends than nothinggg at all though. But I've got no clue what the futures got in store for me though. I just wish for him to be happy always.
oh yeah, you want to live your life, but if you got kids & still trying to party [i know lots of girls like that], you should've thought twice before you got prego.i agree w/ you. people shouldn't waste too much time on finding their guy/girl. when the time is right, it'll happen. im not a partier so i can say those days are done with. but a lot of my friends with kids are still out there partying like crazy & i think thats just sad because when you bring kids into the world, you should stop your bullshit & take responsibility. <_<
so the question is, is it worth waiting for someone? it really depends on your relationship w/ the person & the situation. but generally speaking, i would say no. when you do that, you tend to not see what's right in front of you & you let opportunities pass you by.
oh yeahh. you said it. figure out what you need in life first before you get a boyfriend because you don't want to get into a relationship where you have lots of problems & etc.. it just complicate things. sometimes girls are emotionally unstable & they shouldn't even be in a relationship..Lols. Just chill =D That is my advice. First of all, you should ask yourself what you want in life! =D Then determine if you need this guy or not. Guys come and go. There are many wonderful guys out there so be open to other people too.
omg sweetie you're 15?! don't even sweat it. you have such a long way ahead of you. don't worry so much about it. just go with the flow. but whatever you do, don't change your way for a guy! that's a no no..lol. Cappy I'm 15 =]
Oh yeah. I had though about what I want in life.
And I do want him in it but maybe we aren't meant to be.
I haven't told him my feelings so I'm still unsure of what he feels but I'll wait awhile.
I don't want our friendship to be ruin which it is half way now because of what happened.
But I'm trying to work it out, Its not him but its me. I just can't return to the way we were![]()