i actually wouldn't buy this version of ngao asoke even though it was a classic storyline that has been recycled a few times, and a pretty decent redo too. i was too annoyed by peung and sometimes, viyada...but mostly peung. i almost couldn't even finish it.
you know, that peung, she's a cute girl (although, i didn't think so when i first saw her, but she grew on me a teeny). however, acting wise, she made me want to puke most of the time. NOBODY IS THAT "GOOD" AND "WEAK"....VOLUNTARILY. WE GET THAT PBEE IS INNOCENT...AND KIND....AND WEEEEEEAK, but damn, weak people have other emotions too. even the kindest person in the world have moments of strength and diverse emotions where the speed of their words would change. she didn't. she just spoke so extremely slow for every emotion....like literally speaking physically slow. when she was nice, she talked slow. when she was grateful, she talked slow. when she was excited, she talked slow. when she was mad, she talked slow. when she was talking to her damn self, she talked slow. and when she was sad, she talked even slower...and kept turning her head to the left and right and to the left and right...so much that her character made the lakorn seem like it was dragging a lot of the times!! lol
don't get me wrong, i think peung might/will grow as an actor because at least she could squeeze tears out non-stop. but like i said, her acting right now...wow...i don't how to begin. it was so OVERLY done and forced that i got annoyed by it. i watched this lakorn all the way until the end for a few reasons. one, it was a pretty good storyline and i've seen the old version so might as well. two, because i like lakorns where the nang'eks gets cornered by the pra'eks. and three, i was hoping peung would get more variated and diverse in her responses and emotions...like get stronger or a liiiittle more aggressive when she would "pbrachote koon mon" etc., but in the end, nothing. poor pong had to counter her emotions which was SUPPOSE be different for various scenes but in the end, he had nothing to work off of and still did a pretty good job! and i swear if she turns her head left and right, over and over anymore, it's going to twist off her head. lol
as for viyada...she's a weird case. she's a very strong actor but she needs to know when to tone down for certain roles and settings...or at least for a cast that is more laid back. especially in that time period (according to that lakorn), no one was that openly disrespectful and "glra-dae." LOL
overall, cute scene at the end of the lakorn. LMAO