Angel :: Aum/Aff/Dennis [Chapter 12 - finale UP!]


maplestory addict xD
i'm gonna stop on the scary part of aum for now.
there would be more sweet scenes soon ..
i hope my latest update was ok gurls ^_^


oh yea, do tell me if my updates went over board ..
since its a sensitive issue, i dont wanna hurt anybody's feeling u noe =]

p/s happy chinese new year to those who celebrates it ^^


maplestory addict xD
ahahahah .. nooo :p
it seems like u like paul n noon better so i tink, aum choose me :D

anyways, would be ok .. if the ending is tragic ehehehe


sarNie Granny
can't i love them both??? although i love paul/noon, but i can still be aum's heart <3
i can't choose between them...and i won't :p


maplestory addict xD
can't i love them both??? although i love paul/noon, but i can still be aum's heart <3
i can't choose between them...and i won't :p
ehehehe .. i noe u wont ;)
jus jokin wif ya .. i love AUM too .. so u better share him .. or else jlr sisters r going to torture u when we're at jlr siland later! lol!

nice ugh i'm so antipicating ur fanfics they always leave me on a cliffhanger...can't wait for more
aww thanks gurl.
lmao, somehow .. ur comments never fail to fire me up to update my fics faster ^_^
(i love all of u gals comments, i appreciate it a lot .. seriously. thank you so much for reading =])

it's ok for me... lol... I'm actually expecting a tragic ending... hehehe
it's not determined yet, but yeah .. i do have that kind of idea in my brain rite nw


sarNie Granny
i was expecting a tragic ending, but wish for something sweet to happen before it ^^

ehehehe .. i noe u wont ;)
jus jokin wif ya .. i love AUM too .. so u better share him .. or else jlr sisters r going to torture u when we're at jlr siland later! lol!
it's going to be hard to share...i'm greedy when it comes to aum <3 TORTURE ME! :p i can withstand it, but i got aum heehee


maplestory addict xD
[ Chapter 6 ]

"If you don't control yourself .. she'll die!"

I could see the concern in Gabriel's eyes. Why was he concern? It should be just another human to him. Unlike me, I love her.

".. and why do that TROUBLE you?!" I growled.

"Nothing personal but .. your interest towards this fine lady, amuses me."


"I don't need to .. your flame is going to kill anyway. Look at her."

I turned around and saw her lying on her bed, suffering. I could feel hot flames burning me. Not physically but deep inside me. I can't bare watching her go through that. Especially, not having me being the cause of death. I will never forgive myself if that ever happens!

"H-Help me .. help me Gabriel! I don't want her to die!"

Not replying, he gave out a smile.

"I knew it .. you're not a bad person afterall, Aum."


"I will help you. First, get off my body please?"

I did as I was told. Surprisingly, I don't feel like killing him anymore.

"Thank you .." He corrected his coat. "Another thing, please .. put out the fire. You're killing her, when that happens .. I can't help you anymore."

I closed both my eyes and balled up my fists. I was not meditating, merely controlling my temper. It was not a simple task as I could be consider as an atomic bomb. Once I burst into flames, the power is too overwhelming for me to handle. My only nature during that time would be like a predator seeking to kill his prey. Again, my whole body was floating in the air. The flame surrounding me was getting smaller as I breathe in deeper. I open up hell's portal and transported my blade back to its origin. As the power slowly faded away, I opened my eyes; both red ruby eyes soon faded into its normal state. I am now 'human'.

"Good, thats better .."

"It's your turn now!" I demanded.

"Don't worry .. I never go against my word."

Gabriel took of his coat and placed it on a table. He walked towards her and stood right beside of the bed. There was a pause for a minute or two before he started rolling up his sleeves. His hands were glowing with a mixture of white and blue. I could sense a cooling aura coming out from the glow -- it was a healing power. Not wasting another minute, he started hovering both his hands above Aff's body ; starting from the top of her head till the end of her feet. She was not moving but not dead. I guess, she's sleeping. Slowly, I could hear her breathing again. The machine was not as agressive as before. Everything seem to be fine.

"She's one tough girl .. she'll be ok."

" .. Thanks."

"Your welcome, though it sounded ironic coming from you .. haha .."

"Why are you helping me--?" I paused, hesitant at first. "I mean, you could have just let her die .. she'll go to heaven and--"

"And what? Doom you further??"

"So what if I'm doomed for eternity! What's in it for you?"

"Lets just say .. we're not enemies, Aum."


"I'll explain later .. but now is certainly not the right time."


"We'll meet again .. don't you worry."

After saying those few puzzling words, he walked through the glass window and disappeared into thin air. He went back to heaven I guess, but what do he mean when he said we're not enemies? That's like saying fire and water are friends. It's impossible!

"A-Aum .."

"Eh? You woke up already .. that's fast."

"I-I'm cold--"

"Cold? Are you having a fever?"

"I-I don't know .."

"Don't worry .."

I walked towards her and went onto the bed.

"I'll keep you warm .."

I wrapped both my arms around her. Her head was placed right under my chin, she was now breathing more evenly.


"Much better .."

She snuggled in.

"Aum .."


"Gabriel showed me everything .. your past and what you are now .."

I should have expected this to happen! Urgh, Gabriel! You must have fed her with all these information during the healing process .. you tricky angel!

"Don't get angry though .. I'm glad he told me."

".. aren't .. aren't you afraid of me?"

"You mean .. you as an angel of death?"


"Not really .. would you ever imagine that .. the same girl who laughs and seem very happy is also the girl who may cry herself to sleep?"


"I live a lonely life .. living with a mechanical heart. I tried to be happy .. Aum. But, you have no idea how happy I was .. knowing that you love me. Gabriel let me feel how much you loved me .. thanks."

I could feel her tears flowing down her cheek, landing on my skin.

"Aff .. if I could give you one thing in life, I would give you the ability to see yourself through my eyes, only then would you realize how special you are to me .."

"You don't need to give me anything .. but you."


Deep withtin the core of the earth, there was a chaos showering upon hell's resident. One particular news was spreading so fast among the satans that it finally reached the knowledge of the Devil himself. He was angry, furious and enraged having to know that his most trusted servant had betrayed him.


He summoned one of his servant.


"Yes, master."


sarNie OldFart
OH NO!!!! they're going to kill AFF!!!! NOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!

aaawww.... he hugged her... so sweet... :wub: come and hug me too, aum... I feel cold... :loool:


maplestory addict xD
[ Chapter 7 ]

All hell knew about the devil's wrath. The sudden harsh in temperature and punishment answers their confusion. When HE is angry, everyone would suffer from his anger. They were furious of course! Why are they suppose to go through this because of Aum?! That sick bastard, they thought to themselves. That motivation alone was enough to fire them up for one mission.

What is the mission? Easy.

To kill the one and only, Angel of Death's ..

Newly - found .. love.

Everyone and I mean everyone was talking about the issue. The reward to kill Aff was far too great. Anyone or any creatures who's able to kill that woman shall be grant with any wish that he/she would ever dream of! That includes total freedom from hell's pit. How could they resist that temptation? Not the temptation to kill again, but, the temptation of freedom!


Free from lashes.
Free from hardship.
Free from intense heat.
Free from punishments.
Free .. free .. free .. from, everything.

"Hey .. have you heard .."

"Heard? About what??"

".. on .. Aum."

"I heard rumors but .. I'm not really sure .."

"It's true!"

"How sure are you .."

"Heh, of course I'm sure! Why do you think the temperature got so freaking hot these days?? Plus, why is the punishments getting more and more difficult huh???"

"So, the big boss is angry for reals?

"Hell yeah! Just so you know .. he's offering complete freedom to those who manage to kill Aum's lover!"


"I know .. most of the satans are out hunting for them now .."


"Y-Yes s-s-sir."

All selfish, useless and good-for-nothing creatures are out hunting. They are given the permission to kill an innocent soul who had done nothing to them. Although they knew their risk of turning into dust are possible as their rival is, Aum. But, their evil hearts are blinded by the much awaited grand prize! To them, that is worth it. Every single dirty soul are lurking among humans in he city now. They seemed to look normal but that's just a mask to deceive human race as a whole. They walked among the crowd, trying to sniff for a smell. A smell so powerful that could only be released by a man worthy of his status.

A man who was granted life for all of eternity.
A man who was once feared by all.
A man named, Aum.

That same angel of death was not able to sense danger yet as he was blinded by the scent given out by Aff's heart. It was so pure that all evil aura was undetectable. Maybe, that is what happen when angels experience love?

For once, I'm able to control the heat of my body. I was just scared that the temperature would be too high for her to handle. Yes, I'm not going to allow myself to be the reason for her death. Hugging her never felt burdening at all. The happiness seemed like it could last forever and forever is good. I want us to be like this forever. What a wonderful life. My feelings are as confuse as my emotions now -- why am I behaving different than my usual self? I-I'm being kind and caring, which is very weird. My brain cells can't handle another friction. I must find the answers to all of the questions puzzling me!



"As much as I would like to be here with you .. for all of eternity, I must leave you."

"Leave? You're going to leave me .." She gave me a sad look.

"OH! No-No! That's not what I meant!"

"Hahaha, just joking Aum .. I know what you mean."

"Phew~ That is so not funny! You should already know how much I cherish you .."

"Haha, I never said I wasn't a naughty girl now .. did I?"

"I really wonder .. how are you able to be so happy? I mean--"

"I know .. but well, that's life. Since I'm already born with a defect heart .. I might as well learn to accept it and, live life a day."

".. maybe that's another reason why I'm so attracted to you. I-It's so difficult to take your life a-away. I'm sorry."


"Yeah .. because of me, you're not able to enjoy life in heaven now and I--"

"Shush .. how could you say that .. "


"Aum .. you are my .. heaven."

"Thanks. I will not put your love to waste. I'll be going now."

"Okay, be back soon .. my personal heater .. haha."

"I will. Wait for me k, love."

"I love you .. Aum"

"Love you too, my little angel."

With a short kiss on her lips, Aum walked out happily from her room -- not sensing any danger. As he left the love of his life in an unsecured room, his only aim was to meet the Devil and be set free from his obligation as the Angel of Death. Still being blinded by the sense of love, while walking down the hallway .. two suspicious "human" men walked passed him. They were heading towards Aff's room.

Could this really be the end for the girl named .. Aff?


sarNie Granny
Gasp it was so sweet between aum and aff, except it so sad that they want aff to die especially with the temptation of them being able to be free.
thanks for the update