[Ch5] Nam Kuen Hai Reab Ruk (Exact)


Just an ordinary gal in an extraordinary world.
omg cute pictures and couples :thumbsup:
Yep, I so agree! All the couples and pics are so KUTE!!! :thumbsup: :wub: I'm not just talking about the pics I posted, but all the pics we've seen so far hehehe. Thanks to everyone who posted the other photos and comments! Pong & Vill, Tar & Grace, Nat & Fang, and Pong & Pei seem so perfect for each other for this lakorn! :spin:

This is certainly the only thing I'm looking forward to after Christmas (until something almost as good comes along :D). :beer:


Just an ordinary gal in an extraordinary world.
she is so pretty, the room looks so nice.
Yep, she is! The room's hecka elegant!! Everything in it looks great, especially that bed!!!! Sorry for my dirty mind, but I can't help but hope for :slapandkissse3: and :r-scene-pop-corn: and :w-scene-pop-corn: scenes for Pong and Vill (or the other couples). :pervie: :spicy:

Dang it, but knowing that Nam Kuen Hai Reab Ruk is a romantic comedy, there probably won't be any R-scenes hehehe. :cry: But romantic scenes will be embraced by me! :clap: Kisses will be nice. :wub:

*Sigh* Why must I turn something so innocent as a room with a bed into something so dirty? Well, I have Thai lakorns to thank for my dirty mind. :D


Just an ordinary gal in an extraordinary world.
Maiko you are too cute na !

*screams ! Thanks for sharing the pics !!
Hehehhe I bet she took em' without asking :p
Awh, thanks, ip.smilez!!! :blush: :grouphug: I'm so happy you think so; you're cute as well hehehe! :highfive: Reading your comments, I could feel your excitment and happiness, for I felt EXACTLY THE SAME! :grouphug:

You're welcome for the pics. Glad to know I'm not the only one who goes crazy over the pictures. It's true that Pong and Vill's pics make me scream, but the rest of the cast's pics make me just as happy, if not more giddy hehehe. Everyone looks fantastic!

That's what I'm suspecting, too, that Vill took Pong's sunglasses without letting him know. :coverlaf: Gosh, I really wish I knew what happened, but ah well, I can fantasize about that little scenario. :rolleyes:


Just an ordinary gal in an extraordinary world.
HAHAHA that pic right there screams "HOTNESS" :p hahaha
eeeeeekkksss going to start making mv(s) of them LOL
My next koo kwan :p
I know, I so agree! Although all the pics from their magazine shoot were all so spicy HAWT! :spicy: I think the one that may be even hotter is the one in which they're on the bed ( :ghehe: ) with Pong laying down and Vill sitting in front. Oh yeah, they'll be my next koo kwan as well!! :cloud9:

Ok, they just better not disappoint me hehehe. Vill may look mature, but she's still only 22, so I understand that she may be intimidated by Pong's mature years.

In Talad Arom (Ch. 5, 2011), I was super excited to see Vill pairing up with Chakrit, and while they were cute in an innocent way, their chemistry wasn't as explosive as I had wanted. Still love them, though, and I remember having butterlies in my stomach whenever I saw them together. So, please, Vill and Pong, don't worry about the age gap. You two can make it work! :cloud9:


Just an ordinary gal in an extraordinary world.
Hehe........you know me too well Maiko. I'm delighted that the news about this lakorn got you all excited. Pong and Veiw really do look cute together. I hope to see a lot of chemistry between them. But like you, I do wish it was a drama instead of a comedy.

Anywho, here's the synopsis to the lakron. We just posted it at the blog. No wonder Exact rushed to get this lakorn on air so fast b/c the storyline involves the current flooding in Thailand.

Lakorn Synopsis
Hehehe, aww, thanks! :grouphug: I have always check the new topics added to AsianFuse to see if there's anything interesting or related to my favorite actors/actresses, and knowing that you don't post topic after topic like other members, I just knew the two topics you started have to be of some importance and must be related to something you're really passionate about: Pong or Aom. :D

While I may not be super crazy over Pong, gosh, I get so crazy over him with Aom! :wub: Maybe I'll get even crazier over him after Nam Kuen Hai Reab Ruk and become a true fan like you. :clap: I hope the same as you, that Pong and View will have a lot of chemistry. :spin: Wow, it's such an awesome feeling knowing you and I felt the same about this lakorn! I know, Pong's great with drama lakorns, since he has had a LOT of experience hehehe, and he tends to be even hotter in dramatically romantic situations. :drool:

I can't really picture him in a comical role, but it'll be a nice change for him, plus I believe that he can pull it off. I just hope that he will still retain his masculinity and cockiness. :clap2: That's what make his characters so appealing! People claim he has always have the same types of roles, but those roles have his name written all over them! :lol: He brings his characters to life!!

Gosh, just typing that make me miss Pong and Aom's lakorn. I should go back and watch it in FULL details, since Pong and Aom were hot and perfect together. :wub:

Anyway, back onto Nam Kuen Hai Reab Ruk. Oh, my goodness, thank you so much for the storyline, Looksy!!! :grouphug: I know what you meant...hehehe, totally, no wonder Exact rushed to film it (I just hope people don't take this the wrong way and criticize Exact for their purposes; they're smart for taking advantage of it! :thumbsup: ).

A forced marriage?!! Now, I'm even MORE excited for this!!! I'm going to die of happiness and excitement rite now. :faint: Ok, I'm back to life. Now, while I'm happy for Christmas, I'm waiting impatiently until January 2. :weee: Thank you again for your translation, dear Looksy! I hope you won't mind me posting it here on Nam Kuen Hai Reab Ruk's thread? I should wait until you answer me, but I'm just too happy with the storyline and want to share it with our fellow AF members who want to know as well. :spin:


Just an ordinary gal in an extraordinary world.
Storyline to Nam Kuen Hai Reab Ruk:

Air date: January 2, 2012

During the great flood of 2011 in Thailand, it caused much trouble to anyone even Kor (Pong), who is a playboy and a pub owner. He has become a flood victim as well and has to evacuate and run away from his creditors by trying to get help from Kla, his father in Rayong. But he is surprised, he doesn't find his father. There is a young woman name Wun (View Wannarot), who claims to be the person that takes care of his father. She told him that Kla disappeared and after that he quarrels with him over the phone. Kor opens his father's safe to get money to pay off his debt, but there is no money. There is only paperwork that specify that his father gave all of his money to Wun and that if he wants the money, he must marry Wun.

There is much disorder and more fun when Yuan, Kor's creditor, takes his family to escape the flood to live with Kor and Baby, Kor's sweetheart, also escapes the flood to find Kor. Plus, Kor must find his missing father.

Thank you so much to dear looksy and Punrungpundao for the story plot! Thank them, gals! Please.^_^

Looksy said this is just a short synopsis translated by Punrungpundao. The full synopsis is available in Thai here at Pong's Facebook fanpage.

I don't know about you, but I'm even more excited about this lakorn now! Even though it may not turn out to be one of the best, at least it'll keep me in high spirits during the beginning of next year. This is my type of storyline hehehe. Forced marriages are old school, yet they are great ideas in Thai lakorns!! :thumbsup: I hope that Vill and Pong will be married early on! That makes things even more interesting. :coverlaf:

Thanks again, Looksy! And Punrungpundao!! :grouphug:


Just an ordinary gal in an extraordinary world.
Oh, here's a picture of Tar and Grace. Credits to tieba.baidu.com (Vill's section)!!!

Awh, aren't they cute! :wub:


sarNie OldFart
OMYGEEE ! All your updates are making me hyper-active AHHAHA :coverlaf: :coverlaf: :coverlaf: :coverlaf:

Thanks for the synopsis na !!
EEEEEKS ! I am loving the storyline maaaak !
hehehhe I am a sucker for force-marriage lakorns !! ahem*ahem Roy Marn :thumbsup:...etc..

*screams How did I forget about that SAUCEYYYY picture on the bed =x
HAHHAAH that one was super duper :spicy: :spicy: :spicy:
Can't wait for more updates....

WOW Grace is beautiful too.
Tar and Grace are also looking [GRACE]FUL together.
They both compliment each other well.

ahh i watched TA but then i never got the chance to finish it or even get to see their chemistry.


sarNie Oldmaid
Thanks -- force marriage lakorn sounds like my tea of cup! I look forward to this lakorn. ^__^ LOL, they are seriously using the flood as part of this lakorn.


sarNie Tombstone
omg force marriage genre that sounded so fun and relaxing like those kind of genre
force marriage,arrange marriage,fake marriage :lolyup:


sarNie Adult

cr. pei's ig

I hate it when the nang'rai looks a lil bit more fabulous than the nang'ek... hmmm pei has gotten prettier lately :eyetwitch: :scratchchin:

cr. vill's twitter


sarNie Adult
Hehehe, aww, thanks! :grouphug: I have always check the new topics added to AsianFuse to see if there's anything interesting or related to my favorite actors/actresses, and knowing that you don't post topic after topic like other members, I just knew the two topics you started have to be of some importance and must be related to something you're really passionate about: Pong or Aom. :D

While I may not be super crazy over Pong, gosh, I get so crazy over him with Aom! :wub: Maybe I'll get even crazier over him after Nam Kuen Hai Reab Ruk and become a true fan like you. :clap: I hope the same as you, that Pong and View will have a lot of chemistry. :spin: Wow, it's such an awesome feeling knowing you and I felt the same about this lakorn! I know, Pong's great with drama lakorns, since he has had a LOT of experience hehehe, and he tends to be even hotter in dramatically romantic situations. :drool:
Maiko, thank you for your nice comments. You are so sweet......hehe......And even though you are not a big fan of Pong, thanks for sharing with me that you do go crazy over him with Aom. It was b/c of their lakorn together that I really became a big fan of Pong. It was b/c of his role in PNGRT, that I was able to see Pong's true growth and potential as a dramatic actor. Yes, Pong kills in dramatically romantic lakorns.........especially melodramas.

Looksy said this is just a short synopsis translated by Punrungpundao. The full synopsis is available in Thai here at Pong's Facebook fanpage.

......I hope that Vill and Pong will be married early on! That makes things even more interesting. :coverlaf:
About the synopsis to this lakorn:

Like I mentioned at our blog, the translation that Punrungpundao did is a short summary from the synopsis posted at Pong's fanpage. The full synopsis includes the spoilers and actually gives away the whole storyline, which is the reason we decided not to post the whole synopsis. Also, I know that many think this lakorn involves a forced marriage and although Kor's (Pong) father says that for Kor to get the money, he must marry Wun(View)........ I do want to say that from the spoilers, it doesn't look like to be that kind of lakorn, in which the main characters get married, argue, and then fall in love b/c of the marriage.


FF Writer!! Love it!
Just seeing the pictures of Pong and Vill it's okay but i don't think they really match!! Hehehe looking forward to this lakorn though