the stars who are nice will and do make it big coz they are nice ...
like someone already said
Big ass
Tai Orathai
Am fine
Uten?... Forgot his name
Da Endophine
Paula Taylor
Ill get back to you on the others theres so many more that are nice
The ones who i have had bad times with
anan and joni anwar
By the way I am not singer crazy at all i just happen to see them when im out and about
I've met Joni once at a pub - he wasn't rude or seems extra nice or whatever
But he seemed ok and when I asked if it's ok to take a photo with him or not and he was pretty cool
As for Dome I would vote for him for sure (since I've met him several times).
Tang I met once - and he's SUPER nice, always have his smile face on
Kal I met once too - didn't seem hard to be with and was ok when asked to take a photo with her
Montonn Jira is pretty nice in person as well
Mos is great too
Same with J Jetrin
I've met Dunk once - he was ok when asked to take a photo - but I'm not sure if he's easy going or not..doesn't seem he want to talk - perhaps he was tired after the show?
Paula I've never met her before...but I'd love to