sarNie Adult
gosh. their chinese fans are just as crazy about them as we are hahaha
lol .. they're obeying the fans' request --- or perhaps, the oversea fans LOL -- fake or real, i just wanna see the real story behind it ^^aum n ann seem be out alots for bbk promotion... so cute of them in at 10 ...aum said to ann that if she wants real slap then he wants real real pranang...
there are chinese fans?hi girls.
Looks most of you are boring for their screaming and crazy action.I am scared by Aum's ugly face.I like his handsome look.Sweet scene please!!
This week they will have a real kiss in the hospital.Sad for me.Aum's real kiss.>*< ~~~~~~~
Below is the MV of Jennifer Kim's ost made by ATM Chinese Fanclub. Chinese and Thai leter, take a look
LOL Luv it!whoa!!! after the real kiss, she became weak in the knees. hehehehe
he kissed her to shut her from screaming.
brb, going to go watch it again. lol