lol yes ceci i will surely leave you one or two guys IF i get one of them too LMAO gosh im daydreaming huh?
anyhow golly funfun was right that halloween party scene was a bit borin lol...wth and just realized it was also to celebrate their wedding anniversary too..hmm so it made me think since the dad mention bout her having a baby to give the company to her/the baby as a gift..then will she get pregnant when umm r's her? lol
i see some jealousy in the next episode..and nongchanai with a rock in her hand i wonder if she really knock that salin girl in the face for real! a bit eager to see this next epi...although i dont think we will see any touchy scenes in there...or i could be wrong?!
i am also anxious to find out on what episode will umm kidnap her...since i wanna know what finally ticks him off or what drove him to act upon it? cause he could have just ...ohhhh wait...usually its love and jealousy that the p'ek have for the n'ek to be able to do that

am i wrong? well you know besides the revenge part..