You're Average Person :)
arghh...you guys are killing me....i havent watched this yet...maybe during break...got finals to worry about this week
that ok!don't worry about it.Wahhh. I know I said yes, but to think of it now, it's hard.lol. I'm hardly even watching it. Not really paying attentiopn to what's happening. So sorry. :spin:
I agree with u!she has been waiting since she was still alive until she became a ghost and until the end,she still wait for him.the saddest part is that she wait for a man that didn't love her and never ever has a heart for her.so sad...i feel bad for Pikoon.Thank you so much!!! that was so sad!! hahaahah but then I still feel so sad for Pikoon because
she's been waiting for him even as a ghost and he still doesn't love her. It's just sad. and I wanted Nista or Dan
to love Pikoon. I feel bad for Pikoon still, because she wasted a whole lifetime waiting for a man who didn't love
It is sad. That's why they gave it the title of eternal love. The past life of Dan was so evil!! He still didn't give a shit when Ae died. I was crying while I was translating it knowing how painful Ae must have been. Stupid Dan! His present day character doesn't seem so bad though. I didn't know anything about it... The past one was just horrible! Despicable!
haha thats what i thought toohuh! Dan was Ae's first kiss? isn't she like.. pretty old? lol.
Right now? The girl one? It's Mafia Tee Ruk's Ost... Hmm. You can dl it from my Ijigg. Here's the link.hehe.Oo .. sorry of topic.. but KristyS do you know where i can d/l the song you have on imeem? it sounds good... ^_^
huh! Dan was Ae's first kiss? isn't she like.. pretty old? lol.