Who are your picks? I’d love to know

I have some picks too but a lot of them are not people I expect to get casted in here sadly
My picks are always changing. I feel like I don't really have personal picks myself but instead, kinda just reading who people want and then say "i'll be fine with that person" or not.
Well... I guess there are two girls who I would be the happiest if they were in here. Namfah and Patrica. I feel like i've been really expressing how much I like Namfah lately so sorry haha but I really do think she has potential. & like i said before, I would still be fine if she's not in here as nangek but a supporting role would be nice for her as well. But the main reason why I want her in here is because I think she matches the role of Kwanreuthai. Kwanreuthai is supposed to be the youngest (19 years old). She's a troublemaker and a childish character in the beginning I think and based on the cute cartoon drawing of her, I can totally visualize Namfah.
For Pat, I just think her looks fit in this series, haha. Does that make sense? Yeah, her scandal may had affected her a bit but honestly, I think ch.3 is still treating her the same. & because ch.3 has always been trying to push her, I see her having a high chance to be in here and it seems like she's a fan favorite to be in here as well. The only big thing that I can see stopping her from being in here is her wanting to study abroad soon. I can see her in Dut Apsorn or Jai Pisut visually based on the cartoon drawings lol.
Other fan favorites for the girls seem to be Pie, Kao, Oom, Nychaa, Gina, & Diana. I'm fine with all but Diana. but it's not the end of the world if she's cast. Out of these girls, I do want Oom the most. I think she'll fit as Kwanreuthai or Pon Cheewan, one of the younger nangek roles. & the thing with Kao and Nychaa is that they're already pretty popular... So if ch3 really is trynna create the next big stars, why would they be in here? But because they are younger than the current a-listers, I would understand why. I do think they both would fit in here, especially Nychaa. But Nychaa has already been in other series so at the same time, I'm kinda like, this opportunity should go to other girls worth promoting lol. Other girls I'm fine with is Yiiiwha, Chippy, Yam, & Mint R.
For some reason, I feel like ch.3 is gonna cast girls born in '95 and up for this series cause this is suppose to be for newbies and usually, they would wanna promote the younger kids right? & a lot of the newer kids coming in are born '95 & up. So Yiiiwha and Chippy may not make it in my brainstorming lol. I think Yam may not make it too... She's young and a good actress but ch.3 doesn't seem to focus too much on her. & then Mint R., she's like a fresh newbie and very pretty. I see a lot of people wanting her at Pantip & I would be okay with that. Her acting's not robotic so that's good.
For the boys, I want Nine and Pon. Nine is already pretty popular too but I just feel like he's gonna be in here no matter what lol. But idk which part they would match... Nine may fit Dut Apsorn or Jai Pisut but I think in Dut Apsorn, praek is the oldest? Or one of the older ones so just thinking of Nine's age, idk if it'll be a good fit. Though, he does kinda have a more mature look so idk. I would like to see God too cause he's so handsome haha but I just don't really see him fitting in this series for some reason... & i don't think ch.3 wants to promote him that much. Fan favorites besides Nine and Pon seem to include Peun, Inn, Mai, & Masu which I'm fine with but kinda iffy with Masu. Though, I can totally see Masu in Jai Pisut. & Inn in Kwanreuthai. I can see Peun and/or Mai as one of the older, mature praek roles.
Oh gosh, Im sorry I'm writing too much now so I'm gonna try to end this. I try to consider so many things into the casting and I feel like I'm overthinking everything haha. Like this is just a small part of my brainstorming of why so and so would work or not work lmao. But I really hope ch.3 does their best to get the best cast for the roles. It's interesting to see who's been to the auditions and always interesting to see who everyone want as well. I think I'm pretty much okay with anyone as long as they aren't bad at acting and can express a decent amount of emotions. But of course, how the story is executed is the most important.