cucaikitt said:
Do anyone watch ep 11 and ep 12? Who can explain for me why Pim don't accept Ton when he want to become her real Khun Samee? And then Pim tears marriage certificate?Thank you na ka. I don't know Thai and I don't understand in two these eps

((. I remember that in ep 11 they have a happy bed scene ??? I hope thí larkorn will be subbed soon.
She talked and questioned herself, "Do I love you, khun Ton? I still don't have the guts to tell you bluntly b/c that will give everything away. Do you understand that."
Onto iphone recorder: "Our love starts with a lie. I have to be the one to solve everything. I will tell everything to my parent." So i'm assuming she didn't want to accept his proposal until she tells her parent's the truth (she was not aware that they knew the truth already - that's why when she wants to tell them the truth - p'Pat pretended to be sick lmao)
Pim torn the marriage certificate b/c she doesn't want to lie and be in this fake relationship anymore -- in another word, she wanted to start fresh and be in a honest relationship with khun Ton. Too bad, he got poisoned by TRIWIN outside that Pim told him that the two were in a fake marriage. I swear -- either the writer was bipolar or khun Ton was himself .. he's a writer, he should have known that these are the bad strategies the bad people use to tear lovers apart lmao -- but oh, well, i have to remind myself that this is lakorn -- pranang are bound to do that ... even at the stupidest thing lmao
Onto Triwin -- this guy needs to go back to GRADUATE SCHOOL to finish his master again .. b/c he is super stupid! I know love makes people blind but as a top marketeer, he should known better ... especially when these people are the one who have most of the SOCIAL classes when it comes to education lmao Also, he's an orphan, he should know better to not steal other people's property -- unless he's one of those ENVIOUS kid who wants what other have lol -- if it's this case .. i'd say .. he's a BAD BAD ORPHAN .. who doesn't know the true value of what love is .. (super negative) by saying that perhaps his parent know that he's this bad that's why they left him at the orphan (i know this is no laughing matter and i do not want to laugh at it but he leaves me no choices) He made himself low than low!
As for Khun Ton, omg! He needs to listen to his heart .. don't listen to the outsider .. he knew it well b/c he's a better writer than the audience themselves lol
Pim: "You think that you helped me b/c you understood (me well). Let go!"
Ton: "PIM!"
Triwin: "Can I please ask for a chance (from you)?" <-- YUCK!
Pim: "I started everything ... I must be the one to end them all."
Ton: "I'm happy to know all of you. Goodbye"
Pim: "But the feeling I have for you .. I'd never thought that you'd use this tactic to find money in this way. Thank you for making me realize that there's no place in this world for a stupid woman(like me) to stand on."
^ I thought so watch it like twice thought I miss that part.
They've cut that part ..otherwise, it would have been shown today around 35 minutes.