Hello everyone and thanks for sharing beautiful pictures, clips, links, gifs, info, and wonderful wonderful comments ja.
@Neezy and meysaelee, good luck on your exams. Su su na
Charlenem said:
the interview from tvpool, jacklyn asked about their lakorn shooting in japan, and something about ny fans support them, i guess.... :bhehe:
Nadech thanks everyone for coming and supporting him and BJ jeans. Recently, he's came back and been working out because of his weight gain that he won't fit
in his pants for a lakorn lol.
Pe Jacklyn: Did you have fun in Japan?
Nadech: I had so much fun. The weather was nice, everything was very comfortable, and the food was good. We were shivering while filming a lakorn. It's fun.
Pe Jacklyn: All the pictures came out beautiful.
Nadech: Yes, very beautiful. Both the lighting and camera angles of pe Jett , very beautiful.
Pe Jacklyn: When will we get to see?
Nadech: I think probably before May or June,
Pe Jacklyn: Could you elaborate on the fin parts?
Nadech: Well, RRHLT is for pe Mario and pe Teaw, and RFTD is for nong Yaya and me. There will be the bickering scenes, emotional scenes, very cute and gukgik scenes. There is a scene that ppl will talk about and we had practiced for awhile. It's a scene where I spin/turn nang'ek under a blanket. It's very cute.
Then, they talk about his new lakorn Lom Som Ruk......................
Nadech: I would like to thanks everyone for supporting nong Yaya and me. Please follow to see RRHLT and RFTD.