[Ch3] Rising Sun Series 2: Roy Fun Tawan Duerd (Makers Y)


sarNie Adult
@keylargo hehe im rewatching GRGR now.. i love all of yadech lakorn's ost!! all sound so good..  :bopping:
@mrschum OMG... I hope he don't turn gay!!! there are enough good looking gays around already!  :lmao:  
@charlene good luck with your french exam tmr! may you pass with flying colours!  :thumbsup: people may say yaya do not show much care and affection for nadech as compared to how nadech show for her..but actually she did...just that its off-screen... and in her own way e.g. always waiting for her brother.  


sarNie Oldmaid
@Charlenem good luck in yr french exam tmr!
@tippy yaya sure cares 4 nadech, shes elegant and gentle lady, her actions r dainty, not loud ! and i love grgr and crescendo ost sooo much, listen 2 it every day !!! u do hv lots in common, like tat !


sarNie Adult
@ keylargo and tippy, thanks for your encouragements. i will survive from french exam tmr coz i am waitting for watching their 2 lakorns..lol!
@tippy, hahaha @ gay thing... :D he will not be a gay coz he has yaya. but... :whatever:   if they were not together, i prefer he is a gay coz i dont like to see that he is marry with another woman..hahahahahah!  ok, i m scared by my crazy mind too.... :rant:  :rant:
since we r talking about gay,  so thai fans have made already the photo for girlish nadech...
Cr: as tagged

this photo is what i've mentioned b4, we all have the same thoughts...lol!
cr nadechyaya fans and as tagged

stop eating, nadech!!  his aunt stays with them for vacation? she was there for paajaew's birthday too. they r a big happy family!
Cr: keaw jung

i really like this photo....i always think their face stick on each other's.....hahahaha!
cr:as tagged


sarNie Adult
Lmao those girlish pictures of Nadech are priceless  :rofl:  :lmao3:   Yaya watch your boy! 
@charlenem Bon courage pour ton examen de français!  :cheer:


Keep On Smiling
:thanks: everyone for sharing and nykim for translating.  OMG........ @ Nadech coping mairachda's pose.
Nadech sang 2 songs at the event.  Hope he takes good care of his back.......

cr:as tagged
Yaya will be @ P&G MEGA BONUS 2013 on June 19.

cr: NY Home at Pantip
:heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:   This is so cute....

cr:NY Home at Pantip


sarNie Adult
MrsChum said:
@Charlene....is that his aunt or his real mom?
honestly, i dont know, i guess maybe is. mae keaw used to say that nadech is her little sister's son. and in their family pictures, i only see she has two sisters, one is older, so this aunt is younger. but i m not sure if she has another baby sister or not, if no, so this aunt might be nadech's real mother.
@queenyeon, merci beaucoup... :cheer: je vais essayer de mon mieux....


sarNie Oldmaid
@Charlenem thanks 4 da pics, da tnnkk embrace pic 2 me feel they were having this opportunity 2 hug dearly 4 real, both hold tightly, she onto his head and he onto her waist, really if u have special feelings (like advance feelings) then u r able 2 do so !!! love those pic of yaya trying 2 help nadech she does care !
@bubba thanks 4 yadechs events update and pic, somehow i like man in white shirt, tee, nadech looks good. he loves 2 tease yaya at every opportunity, so cute moment in grgr, he was totally obsessive !


Live Love Laugh
tippytoes said:
cr: as tagged

looks like yaya is helping her brother tie his tie..  :bhehe:

cr: @nyclub_pantip
honestly do you see other on-screen couples taking good care of each other this way?? i'm not too sure but at least for yaya and nadech, it seems like an automatic reaction... just like a married couple  :woot2:  :woot2:
I really like this one! .......wish it was clearer.     I agree with tippytoes here that Yadech acts like a couple.    They do things for each other naturally without thinking much about it.   He carried her purse, wallet, passports, luggage, etc.   

credit:  NY Family at Pantip FB


Live Love Laugh
That is his aunt.  Mae Kaew is the eldest and she has like three or four sisters?  Several years ago I saw a picture of a young Nadech with his birth mother when she got married.  It was and old picture but she looks very pretty and young so I guess she was the youngest sister.
I'm sure Nadech constantly keeps in touch with his mother and half-siblings, but I don't think they wanted to be seen in public or else there would be many questions as to why she gave him up to her sister.   Nadech is a generous person and he is helping his family and relatives.  He has bought cars and other big items for them.  
I'm glad to see so many people at his event.  Our boy still has the Midas touch!
So Nadech just had an accident playing sport and hurt his back.  Lol, many people suggested him to be like Arthit in TNNKK and have Yaya takes care of him.  Awww, that would be sweet!   :heart: :heart: :heart:
Where are we going?.............you'll find out soon.

credit:  NY Family at Pantip FB


sarNie Egg
Awww yadech are so cute, thank you all for sharing. I can't with for RFTD!


sarNie Oldmaid
@vimalee welcome back, nice 2 have u back....haha it wud be best yaya takes care of nadech-arthit, we will be most satisfied cus he is in totally good loving care !!! 4 express tnnkk tlc just watch epi 16 and 17 4 all da sweetest scenes, i watched them daily !!! yr description of yadech - they r meant 2 b - always there 2 help each other out, so loving and sweet!!!
@mrsChum thanks 4 young pic and info, appreciate it !


sarNie Adult
She is pretty though. So maybe Nadech got some of the handsomeness from her. Lol yes, the sisters do somewhat look alike. The smiles or something? She must have been very young when she got pregnant bkos Nadech is already a teen in that picture & she still looked young.


sarNie Adult
they look way too stiff on that picture
I agree, I don't see much resemblance between them two but yeah perhaps he looks more like his father. His mother looks so young though! 
@Vimalee do you have the first pic of that collage of Yadech? They look too cute!!  Yaya's smile is addicting *_*