Went back and watched epi 1 again since I didn't get to watch to the end. Hahhaha the part where Matt was spending the night at Great's place and she tried to wake him up in the morning. I wonder how many times they have to retake the part where she nudged him in the butt with her foot. Since Great loves to laugh I can imagine every time Matt touch his butt he burst out laughing.
I can't wait till episode 2 to see slowly the changes of their relationship. I think Great already like Matt more than a friend cause you can tell how he doesn't like it when Wan is around her lol. Matt on the other hand, is too busy with the baby or too comfortable in their friendship to see anything more than that. She seemed rather oblivious to him even if he was to flirt with her. It's kind of those buddy relationship thing where they play around with each other a lot even if one was to flirt with the other, it might be overlooked.
I like Wan but for some reason I am not quite warming out to Toey in this lakorn and the other girl, I am not sure what to think of her just as yet. Wan to me, is cool in here. His laid back style and attitude makes him charming. Great seemed to get lighter and lighter as I see him. He is almost a shade lighter in here than in Kularb Rai Glai or maybe it's just my eyes.