Hmm, for some reason, I feel like replying. Last night, I gave a half-assed reply to the question but now that I had a chance to think about it, I would like to refine my thoughts. Also, it would take the "like" out of all my wording (you have to be like, listening to me on the radio, to like, understand the reference i'm like, talking about.)
Anyway, I want to start off by saying I think there's a difference between the relativity of love versus the perspectives of love. With the relativity of love, we can say that there are many kinds of love as many people have mentioned before. However, with perspectives of love, the idea of love is the same. It's just the time and place is different. I give the example below.
I've only been in love once in my life and that was in high school. You can say I had a high school sweetheart. Before coming to college, we broke it off and that was the end of it. I'm not one to take the word love so lightly. I think it's the fact that I grew up with not many examples of love. My parents were divorced since I was 11 and before then, I don't think they were ever in love. That's why I don't even throw that word around when guys joke and go "I love you man." But going back to the high school sweetheart, I was in love with her then, and I knew it. It was an intense feeling of never wanting that person to be sad and whatnot. Nowadays, I still see her, but the feeling is not there anymore. I say that my love has faded and it's not at that level. Others would say I did not know what love was before because how could it go away?
My answer to that is that our perspective on love changes as we go on in life. What we believe we need for love changes as we see new things and learn to want other things. I don't think any of us can really describe what love is. However, we all know in our heart what is love and what it is not. Like right now in life as I date a girl here or talk to another girl there, I'm examining if my idea of love is around. I also try to recapture the past as I tend to hook up with my ex whenever I go home. However, I know that the love is no longer there and I also have not found it elsewhere. However, as much as I joke, I do think there is such a thing as love. I think that's what separates us from other animals - our ability to be self-conscious of ourselves and what we want out of life. One of those things is love. Now, I don't think everyone can find love though. It takes special circumstances and many "stars have to align" as they might say. Also, it takes a lot of work to maintain since I believe love has to evolve as we grow older.
One of the major problems I see is that people make a mistake during one of the two parts of love - finding love and maintaining love. Some people, for frustration or whatever other reasons rush into thinking they are in love before they really are or regardless of whether it was even there. They believe they can force it. This usually leads to a falling out and relationships are failed before they even begin. Other times, people forgot that love has to be maintained. It's never going to stay the same and you have to learn to work with it. Some however, quickly believe that if something doesn't click, then the couple might not be right for one another. That might be true, but at least they should try working hard on it first. That's why I think there are so many divorces. I remember hearing somewhere that "nothing in life worth having ever comes easy."
Anyway, that's my idea on love. Oh yeah, for your information Thookie, I'm 22, a capricorn and love long walks on the beach.