OI MY DISTANT FRIEND CALLED DISTRACTION *shakes head* ok back to spamming i'm hungy
it's the curse of moh^^NEENA u beat me to it lmao last nite i was working on the SURPRISE lmao and my internet like broke (RR's FAULT) lmao i love you darling hahahhaha but mine was sorta diff. i'll finish it soon ahhahahaa
he is ahahahaLMAO michael jackson gingerbreadMAN lmao whos tito? LMAOOOOOOOOOOOO hahaha i rele don't kno so tell me is it that black guy or something hahhaahhahhahahahhahahhah
welcome ellem^^ sorry i did say hi before (afraid you might take harit away from me).............but it's all good....
WELCOMEand just give me....your msn....i want to be your FRIEND too
-->also....i spam WAYYYYYYY more than GP (don't her that though...she might throw coconuts at me)..........and fyi.....harit is my husband....don't believe anyone else^^
poem for ellem^^
"young and innocent,
new and naive,
familiar to the JLR battle for Harit,
welcome my sweet,
come join us in the fight,
spam with us all night"
aw okay! video it is...LOL...I'll add you on my MSN aight? thanks! hmm maybe I'll be busy working soon but then I assure you I'll never forget JLR and my JLR sisters here...definitely not! :wub: I live in the Philippines UTC/GMT+8 was like when it's morning in your place mine is in the evening...LOLlol vdo is video ahha its somewhere..................i'll go get u the YT link LMAO hahahaha but WOO HOO! yes darling give us ur MSN thingy mine is
yeas I'M THE FIRST SPAMM BAMMER and then RR and MOH hahahahahhahha GP OWNS! lmao darling what OTHER THINGS are you gona be busy with? lmao once u join ur life revolves around JLR and the sisters lmao not kidding JLR took over my life LMAO forreal
and darling I"m THE FAVORITE SISTER of yours hehehehheheheheeh got that?
darling what time zone you in? it says u posted this at 7:41 in the morning my time lmao ahhahhahaah i'm in eastern time btw where do u live again?
oh the lists is much longer than what I've expected! LOLELLEM DARLING are u caught up w/ the famous list of mine LMAO haha here's the link of my JLR contirbutations
and for the videos ^^ they in there too but here's easy acess for you
and darling pick a chick that you want
*Muah, muah and more muah-ing* Whaaa... I love my poem RR!!! It has my fave word: star!! Cause if no one knew before, my username has 3 stars in it.poem to starry (aka the only one i will share harit with if i ever did<--came to the conclusion on msn one night)
for her&HARIT (only this once)
"a starry night,
millions of stars, millions of wishes
but there's only one in my heart,
for us to be one, for us to be in each others arms,
nothing else matters when a simple kiss holds the key"
LOL... you so do have a JLR baby chickie farm...LMAO!!!!!!!!! GPs FARM? wth I DONT HAVE A FARM! hahhahahhahhahahahhahahahhahahhahahhaah *shakes head at RR* LMAO
LOL... RR's entire life stated is there for everyone. Make that The Forbidden Kingdom date with me!!! I'm gonna go see my former lover aka Jet Li in action next week schedule.........
sunday--free (as far as i know of)
monday night--be on until 7 central time-till ??? going to an award's ceremony
tuesday night--free (as far as i know of)
wednesday night--free (as far as i know of)
thursday night--unknown...might have to go to a meeting about a trip to New York next year
friday night--unknown when i'm going to be on--->going to see the J&J project "The Forbidden Kingdom"
saturday--free (as far as i know of)
*of course i must find some time to watch my Thai lakorns on yt
*warning spamming w/ GP & RR may be hazardous*
Whooo... Soraya and Harit thinking about us when making Arisoya. I love it! TY neena & ceci (for the pic).MY CONTRIBUTE TO MY JLR SISTERS!!!
I love it... JLR fever gives the sisters a chance to learn a billion different langages we didn't know before. Selamat malam semua all JLR sisters too!ok, selamat malam semua!!! (translation: gudnite everyone!!!) Muaaahhhhh!!!! :wub:
Write me another one just because I'll love 'em all!!!!if you don't like your poem....i'll write you another one^^
Hi ellem!! Welcome to JLR fever!! You can see that it never dies down. JLR fever only burns up higher and higher!I see you STARRY! Hi
have fun on sunday--sending you love....spamming forever and ever baby ^.-oooo well sunday i'm going to temple and i'll get on wen i get home i get on for a couple mins, mon-thurs. i be on everyday depends on how much homework i have friday-sunday SPAM BAMMiN w/ my love RR =] so this is pretty much a weeklong date you can make it longer lmao hahahha
what????!!!!! it was all me chenada.....i will take responsibility because that's what harit would do soYOU SEE THAT CHENEDA???? SHE CONFESSED THAT SHE WAS THE ONE BEING LOUD and no RR she got a good grade on her test cuz she was thinkin about her lovely GP the whole time hahaha cuz she loves me alot she told me so hahahhahhah (she did) LMAO
but neither pinky or GP gets harit mauahhahaha......oi i never made that connection i don't want to be pinky lmao hahah ok she wants to be ME haha that's better LMAO like how Cecilia said "AFF DOESN"T LOOK LIKEPINKY, PINKY LOOKS LIKE AFF" so HAH pinky WANTs to be GP
haha saw some of your videos........awesome^^lol vdo is video ahha its somewhere..................i'll go get u the YT link LMAO hahahaha but WOO HOO! yes darling give us ur MSN thingy mine is
being first is outdatedyeas I'M THE FIRST SPAMM BAMMER and then RR and MOH hahahahahhahha GP OWNS! lmao darling what OTHER THINGS are you gona be busy with? lmao once u join ur life revolves around JLR and the sisters lmao not kidding JLR took over my life LMAO forreal
noooo don't tell her what to do.............don't listen to GP (she's cookoo)'s me who will be your favorite sister.....b/c "I LOVE YOU before i met you, i've been waiting all my life"and darling I"m THE FAVORITE SISTER of yours hehehehheheheheeh got that?
hahah...i'm central............GO CENTRAL<--this means i'm closer to harit than GPdarling what time zone you in? it says u posted this at 7:41 in the morning my time lmao ahhahhahaah i'm in eastern time btw where do u live again?
hahah....i'll quote more than you GP...because i said so^^LMAO hehehe u gona massive quote like GP LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOooo hahah i love that quote buttondarling i'll never leave you behind EVER! ahhahaha i'm behind on fanfics like verrrrrrrrrry behind lmao
yeah yeah...but i am just HARIT'S #1 LOVER ahahaha.......i will dodge all your coconuts....better keep practicing...because i'm a ninja warrior..........UHM nahhh GP SPAM BAMMS MORE THAN RR CUZ THAT'S JUST HOW I JUNGLE ROLL THROWS COCONUT AT RR *I LOVE YOU!* and nahhhh PRISNA is the HEAD WIFE (Mia Yai) and Vansanee is the #1 Harith KIDNAPPER and then GP the most innocnet one lmaooooooooooooooo ahaahahahhaah
i'm sarn's bodyguard...i will protect the one i love^^touch sarn and get ready for my ninja skills wa-tahLMAO my phone went off in walmart a couple times and the movies LMAO hahahha dang it lmao sarN if i met you i'd attack you cuz i love you LMAO you wouldn't even begin to believe...................... HAHHAHHAHAH <3 you darling
spam-a-lam-a-bam baby^^ you left me a minute before i came back......YOU SAID LATE TONITE! LMAO but i'm on NOW and i don't SEE YOU!
awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww i love you too my SPAM BAMMiN PARTNER i heard u called me ur spamm partner LMAO hahah i love you!!!!!!!!
no no...i'm harit one & only......everyone else is a wannabe.....i just added you....^^ talk to you later on msn hopefully^^thanks RR!now I'm getting confused everyone here is harit's wife
here's my MSN: add me up okay?
glad you like it^^wow! so sweet :wub:
I love it! Thanks RR
Hi ellem!! Welcome to JLR fever!! You can see that it never dies down. JLR fever only burns up higher and higher!Hmmm... I just might have to tie you to a tree anyway... even as sweet as you. It's like a JLR ritual
... mostly all JLR sisters have learned how to escape a tree or train track, lol. Don't worry, some JLR sister will save you in like 10 minutes... then I have to tie them down to make up for it. Ha ha...