You said it perfectly!!! I totally agree about Tik's character. I'm waiting until it ends to finish watching this lakorn b/c I don't know if I can stand seeing Tik be a dumb@ss without being able to finish the lakorn right away. I can't stand Aom's character. She's so evil!!! As for Cherry's character, I wish she could be just a little stronger. I understand that the best way to fix anything is to not fight back but if you get pushed around so much without fighting back, it just makes the other person that's pushing you around think they can do whatever they want to you. You have to fight back a little so they know they can't walk all over you. Tik's character definitely needs to develop more trust for Cherry's character. No relationship will work if TRUST isn't the foundation.i was so excited to see that tik had a new lakorn out. i haven't been watching thai lakorns in a while...i know how could i keep myself away...korean drama distraction...hehehe...anyway...i hadn't watched a tik lakorn in awhile that i was excited about since tik and aom's first lakorn together...i know it's been awhile...well if tik would just do some good lakorns...but this one marks my return to thai lakorns...i tried not to comment until i was caught but now i am... just finished ep 11...anxiously waiting ep's my thoughts...
gosh so much drama and i love it. at first i was iffy about cherry...but gosh i have to say that they have really made her pretty. i love her character's style and i have come to appreciate cherry's subtle beauty. and also i love her voice not to high and pitchy as some thai actresses can be. it has a pleasant sound. and i love the setting in paris...gosh i wish i could go there and fall in love with tik...hehehe...and of course tik is as hot as ever. he's so knowing their characters are married does something to him, using every opportuntity to get close to cherry's character...even i blush... :wub: awww...
but like everyone else i agree, there are definite flaws in this drama...i mean okay it's a drama so we must have our basic n'rai and misunderstandings...but i think they go a bit overboard. tik's character does a 180 so fast. from angry and mean to sweet and loving...what's the deal. he gets worked up, punishes her, and then turns around trying to butter her up...hmmm...makes me think are all men like this. i think there should be the the big "affair" that is coming up, but all the unnecassary drama that aom's character causes in the beginning...and why is tik's character so quick to trust aom. tik's character is too the director and writer should have thought about all the misunderstandings they were creating...i mean the fans kind of border on hating tik's character...and no good drama or movie should ever let its fans hate the lead actor or actress. let us hope the writer and director saves the drama by having tik redeem himself in the end...the main theme...TRUST man TRUST...hope tik's character gets that in the end.![]()
^i'm so with you on that..i mean..the man was heartbroken's hard to gain the trust back ..and beside ..cherry didnt' explain herself..tik ask her to explain thing even ae said himself..but she's not opening herself to him..why should he not be cautious of she's doing..*still feel bad for cherry though..cuz all three evil gals are TOO much to handle..and on top of that ..the crazy EX is back and want to get what he that's a disaster*He is upset. You should all be mad at Cherry for not explaining herself. The lack of communication leads to mis-trust and its all HER fault!
I'm with you I've never blamed Tik.Alright... you girls need to stick your feet in the man's shoes.
Tik isn't doing a 360 or 180 at all. He was broken hearted once by that hot n'rai chick. So he is more cautious about what he does.
Cherry is a great girl, but when a man has been broken hearted. It's hard to trust again. So he's happy, but still mis-trusting. Besides, all the things that she does and her secrecy? She has her point of view that he should trust her, but with people telling him differently, what does one expect?
Hello... you don't ignore people... life isn't that black and white. Besides, Cherry is always with that ex-boyfriend of hers and she doesn't explain what she is doing. She just expects him to "trust" her. Yeah right... reality check.
Trust is earned, not expected and with so many questionable actions (caused by n'rai) or not, he has little he can work on. It's lucky he has his best friend watching his back.
He is upset. You should all be mad at Cherry for not explaining herself. The lack of communication leads to mis-trust and its all HER fault!
Too much estrogen here! :^P And missing the point of the lakorn's love lesson. :^) Be honest and keep communications clear.
You've got a great point, Dynomite!! I'm loving this lakorn.Alright... you girls need to stick your feet in the man's shoes.
Tik isn't doing a 360 or 180 at all. He was broken hearted once by that hot n'rai chick. So he is more cautious about what he does.
Cherry is a great girl, but when a man has been broken hearted. It's hard to trust again. So he's happy, but still mis-trusting. Besides, all the things that she does and her secrecy? She has her point of view that he should trust her, but with people telling him differently, what does one expect?
Hello... you don't ignore people... life isn't that black and white. Besides, Cherry is always with that ex-boyfriend of hers and she doesn't explain what she is doing. She just expects him to "trust" her. Yeah right... reality check.
Trust is earned, not expected and with so many questionable actions (caused by n'rai) or not, he has little he can work on. It's lucky he has his best friend watching his back.
He is upset. You should all be mad at Cherry for not explaining herself. The lack of communication leads to mis-trust and its all HER fault!
Too much estrogen here! :^P And missing the point of the lakorn's love lesson. :^) Be honest and keep communications clear.
Alright... you girls need to stick your feet in the man's shoes.
Tik isn't doing a 360 or 180 at all. He was broken hearted once by that hot n'rai chick. So he is more cautious about what he does.
Cherry is a great girl, but when a man has been broken hearted. It's hard to trust again. So he's happy, but still mis-trusting. Besides, all the things that she does and her secrecy? She has her point of view that he should trust her, but with people telling him differently, what does one expect?
Hello... you don't ignore people... life isn't that black and white. Besides, Cherry is always with that ex-boyfriend of hers and she doesn't explain what she is doing. She just expects him to "trust" her. Yeah right... reality check.
Trust is earned, not expected and with so many questionable actions (caused by n'rai) or not, he has little he can work on. It's lucky he has his best friend watching his back.
He is upset. You should all be mad at Cherry for not explaining herself. The lack of communication leads to mis-trust and its all HER fault!
Too much estrogen here! :^P And missing the point of the lakorn's love lesson. :^) Be honest and keep communications clear.