and hopefully he doesnt get with the bad girl either. He's ALL MINE. Still pissed off at her for getting to sleep with him tsk on her. I dont think MANN will be in any lakorns anytime soon =( </3 heartbreaking. 5555555 im gonna MISS him
OMG the last episode is good and sad at the same time. Stupid Thana is such a bitch telling Ceewah that does not match Palai whether financially or socially. Stupid dumb ass! I hated him. And yes Junjarang and her stupid aunt got everything they deserve. I hate Thana because he thinks of himself rather than Palai, if you love a girl, will u make her cry at such a vulnerable place in her life? stupid stupid stupid. okay thats enough spoilers I wont give away all the good details. but there is this one cute cute scene that reminded me of Oum Ruk though. Shoot I have to go do my homework now. lol.
omg luv this lakorn so much, so goin to buy this lakorn it was also sad, it made me cry, especially all the things he said on the website phali my love it was cute how the password was in her ring i cried so much, but in the end it was all good
paul is so hot in this lakorn, now that my kind of guy :wub:
that jerk!!!when i saw the preview i really thought that palai lost her baby . well did siwa found out that palai is still pregnant or it was till the end when he found out??
I like the ending to but wished they extended a little further. At first, I thought she lost the baby, but glad that she did not. Everyone got what they deserve and we have a sweet and happy ending.
man what is up with Thana being an ass...... i dont see it, lmfao ohh wait i always fast foward his part so i dont know..... i guess i'm far too distracted with his looks that i dont pay attention even if he's a beef jerky or not.....lmfao!!! anyways dude i dont want to watch the ending anymore cause i dont want it to end!!!! i really did think Dyno and Babiigirl spoiled it for me...... next time i'll remember to secretly watch a lakorn myself and not check up the thread so that i wont feel behind like what i did in Ghing Gah-Lhong Thanks guys, this was an awesome discussion
I loved the ending! It was so cute!! Yea, they should make a part 2 so we can see what happens to Paul & Noon as Paul grows a flower garden to support Noon and the baby. I'm sure they'll have lots more babies too!!
the ending was too cute. especially the website thing and the little game he played with her. now what am i going to watch now since this movie is over? :huh:
I am going to make a website....
But hey how did Babbiiigirl and I ruin it for you Lek?
I didn't reveal anything... unlike some other SW members who I won't mention, but they know who they are.
If you read the spoiler part, then that's your fault for being curious. This is why guys never answer questions that we feel you cannot digest. So don't ask. Geez or don't read!
I don't know why, I am having such a hard time getting through the last 2 episodes!!!!! rrrrrrrghhhhhhhhhh.......... See this is what happens when i read the spoliers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Quick question though...... did they ever explain why the aunt has sooooooo much hatred for n'ek??????? She's just evil.......... but they seem to never explain why.... I don't want to too much thought into it.... but it's pissing me off that she has no valid reason to hate her own brother so much.
BTW Paul is sooooo awesome!!!!!!! So many cute scenes between the Noon and Paul. Hopefully they get another opportunity to act together once more.
It ended. So soon!! But i there are 2 parts i dont understand. The first part is that why the evil girl shot her mother. That is her mother. How come she can do it? The second part is that why everyoner said Thana was bad ( i don't understand Thai ). What did he do to Noon and Paul? i dont understand the part when he sat on his kneel in front of Noon, said something and then said Noon to beat him. I just guess. Can anyone translate those part? Thanks a lot