...and breathing was just making more cuts all over.
yes there are many feelings i sense but sometimes it's best to keep it to myself so i don't end up hurting everyone.
i'm feeling confused & distorted.
Yes, breathing and sometimes and somethings you really cant tell those around you because you dont want them to worry with or about you. LOL...OK, there are too many "you" in one sentence *sighs* oh well...
I rather let myself suffer and climb out of the pit of sorrows alone.
LOL...thanks to these forums, we can leak out some of our miseries, but you and I both know that even if we want to tell more, we cant... -_-
aaww...wai wai...come here...kymmy will comfort you too...hehe! i got enough love to go around! :wub: we all got eachother in here...aaww....i feel the love don't you? hehe...
Hahaha Kymmy...um I'm going to call you that now, since it sounds cuter that SWI.T =)
I've read your other words of comfort and even though it's not directly for me, it still made me
thanks for the effort wai wai ..but right now no one can help me unless someone dies ...Wai Wai me will be here for you when you need .. whenver you girls need me just holler I'll put aside my anger to be your shoulder!! because you girls are more important than my childish feelings!! lol
Thank you Tina, it's nice to know that others are willing to be there for you...not just when you're happy, but also, when you fall.
Whatever the resolutions may be, hopefully, it's best for you and whoever the other party is.
I try not to hate, but rather ignore the hatred I have towards them because obviously they werent worth any of my time.
i mean, i'm alone right now...my family is far away. and it is just now that i'm realizing i need them more than ever...maybe it's because i'm so use to them?? i don't know. we never really talked much or expressed much as a family but "seeing" them there always brushed me up with a sense of comfort. especially right now, when i need someone familiar...not necessarily someone i can talk to. but just someone i can see, then feel the ease of "being".
for the most part, i AM a loner...
...but you know...it all changes when u bring a significant other into ur life...obviously. the things that happen between u and ur significant other makes u realize that u need someone more than ever. u realize these things in both, the positive AND negative light. the only difference is that the negative light leaves u feeling empty. YET!! the funny thing is...ur NOT empty! ur internal walls bear so much more burden than any heavy weight that could crush a car. and then u think, how can "emptiness" carry so much?
i KNOW now, from "these" feelings, that physical, mental and emotional distress has it's own status in each and every one of us. no matter how much we like being emotionally self-dependent, it all morphs once we bring "someone" into our hearts. and ultimately, our mentality and the things we physically do morphs too. even everything THEY do, everything THEY say...no matter how big or small, can injure us much deeper than they know...deeper that WE, ourselves, know.
i may think that i can rely on myself, but my emotions may tell me otherwise. in trying to look on the bright side of things...and in trying to rationalize for the circumstance, i need to realize that my emotions WILL interfere with the logic. that's why i'm here releasing my burdens in words. it's better than doing something stupid like going out and getting drunk. i don't want alcohol to be my support. this is not an occasion...it's just a part of being a human being. and i have to face it. i won't torture myself by keeping it all in. i need to let go.
i will continue to express myself on general terms. to a certain extent, i would like to keep this a personal matter. no names will be mentioned...only emotions and feelings.
plus, it's not as bad as it sounds. i just want to make sure there's no inkling of these feelings left to pain me further.
whatever doesn't kill us only makes us stronger, right? (although, know that i am running on very minimal breaths right now).
Thooky, I sense your emptiness. I know how it feels to be far away from your family, especially ones you see on a daily basis.
The first time I was ever away from my parents was when I had to go out of state for school. They didnt even want me to travel alone, so they came along and was there by my side.
As they hugged me, I clutched tightly onto them knowing I'd have to walk this journey alone.
I stood by the window and watch them walk away ; loneliness consumed me quicker than I thought.
Looking around I only see inanimate ojbects and not a soul that I knew...
I am strong, but this time I was not ashamed or embarrassed to show my weakness for as long as I have someone I knew to comfort me.
Still, there was nobody in the room, but me...I am alone

Hmmm...a significant other...can one be complete without one? We know that allowing someone to walk into our lives will also open doors to happiness, bitterness, and all sorts of stuff that comes with the what we call "love"
Is that the completion that all strive for even though we are at risk of getting hurt?
I admit that I am afraid to get hurt by the one that I will open myself to, so the walls just gets stronger and stronger.
I want to love, but at the same time, the fear creeps upon me.
Thooky, I hope your signifcant other (Umm...is it safe to display his name? LOL ) does more than you expect him to do and even though he's not there to wipe your tears, but his words of encouragement and knowing he cares are enough to put a smile on your face.
Does that make your heart flutter dear?
Yes, whatever doesnt kill us only makes us stronger and a better warrior. Do continue to express yourself through writings as we are here to read and share our thoughts with you.
Also, glad to see that you've not resorted to alcohol for trying to escape your miseries because in the end, you will only hurt yourself and those around you who truly cares.
lol... i wish i can see emotionally pain suffering as an occassion. because it'll only happen once in a while, but once you look to alcohol for forgetting something i guess it helps for a second, then it comes back and hits you harder when you're sober because of the stupid shit you do while you're drunk and trust me i've learned many things while i was drunk, and that's how my heart shattered. but yes, you're supposed to be stronger from what you learn, but before someone becomes stronger it takes TIME.
i know, i let someone into my life, not thinking much of it, but slowly emotions are taking all over me. it's odd...and i'm not the professional so who am i to say?
i feel incomplete, like passion and ambitions are never going to appear within me ever again. sometimes i feel like i'm just failure, when i do something for myself, it's always incomplete, but when it's for someone else i put more than 100% effort in it... ahhh why do i have to be like this.
i feel like running away - life is so short, why must i wait for the right time to do anything? who knows when something will happen, it was said 2008 the world will come to an end, so why am i just sitting here feeling miserable.
life sucks. -_-
Swedish Fish, this better be the last time that I have to witness you writing about getting drunk to escape from reality.
I hate it when the more you try to forget, the more it pops up on your mind...
I want to fall asleep and let it all drift away, but as soon as I open my eyes the following morning...
A sudden pain strikes again.
We can never run away from ourselves as we know the truth lies beneath...
I know how you feel, do you sometimes need someone to motivate you to do something?
But, when you get your hands on it...voila! The task gets done and very successful indeed ^_^
It's not like we're incompetent or a failure, but it's a bad habit that we know how to prevent...
Though, it still exists, why?
Ohhh guess what? LOL...I've started and ended with your post :blush: