gosh you three are still going at it? arent you like bored of it?
First thing first, I miss ya Jae.
Second, yeah, I guess we're still at it. I tried to avoid it for a while, figuring it's none of my business. But come on!! This is getting kinda creepy. I can understand if they're continuing to just talk about each other, and dfemc continues to talk smack about dyno out of nowhere. But from what I've observed, dfemc seemed to have asked dyno to leave her alone. Those who know both of them can probably see this. You know, I'm ok with the fact that dyno keeps bringing my name up even though I have nothing to do with a lot of the things he talk about, but what the hell is this? He comes into this thread, mentions dfemc out of nowhere, and then goes on to write about random things and go "buawahaha."
Dyno can use his 5th grade response and go "hey! why is marduk always on dfemc's side? is there something going on?" But personally, I'd say something too if he was also bugging the shit out of someone else. I don't really want to flame someone directly, but the ONLY thing I feel bad about is that this had to be said in DaringAngel's thread. For that, I'm sorry.
So how about it Dyno? Let's just move on and stop messing with someone who you claim you can't even stand. I know...I should take my own advice and just ignore you too, but you know, there comes a time when a person has to say something.