why is Son not good for Vill, he's graduate from engineering uni. own his business, work since young age, if i had a son like that i would be so proud, the reason Vill doesn't want near Son because she doesn't more news with him until they r both mature, they used to date in high school; just read this news of them; Vill likes a guy who can play instruments, sing well, smart, intelligence and good to his family and Son is all of that so what's wrong with Son, do u know how hard it is to graduate from engineering.
“At first the staff team did told me that I’ll look a bit chubby when I’m on TV but I didn’t believe them until I went to check myself on the monitor…Oho!…I looked big, the evidence was right there. After that, I started to lose weight. I went from eating baked goods to fruits now. Some shirts I can’t even fit, sometimes I’ll exercise. I plan to lose 3 more kilos. I think weighing at 45 kilos is good for me.”
We heard that there’s something going on off set with Son
“No, it’s probably because we’re close and we know each other for 5 years now. When we work together, we talk the same page, easy to understand one another. I’m close with Son’s little sister because we went to the same school together. Son went to go pick her up and that’s how we met. I don’t usually talk to her now since she went to study abroad, but we talk on aim sometimes.”
Is he hitting on you?
“Maybe when we were younger, it’s like the first time I saw him, I thought he was cute. But as we get older, we said that we’re both working now, let’s just be friends. Especially when you’re in this industry, you get to see a lot of people. In the future, when we’re more mature than this, then we’ll come back and talk about this again. We‘re not seeing each other in that special way, we don‘t go out. When we talk on the phone, it‘s mainly about work. He takes really good care of his girl friends, with me and Aerin”
Is it because you have someone special already, someone named Thee?
“I don’t have anyone. With Thee, he’s like a close brother to me, our family know each other. He’s like the oldest son in the family. Before this, we used to do photo shoots together in magazines, all three of us, Son knows him too. We have the same manager so we’re all very close. We go out sometimes but my mom comes with us. But if people want to think the other way, then it’s okay.”
Is there a chance where you two will progress?
I haven’t thought about it yet. I just want to focus on school and work right now. With Son, we’re just friends. I don’t want to interfere in his place. In this industry, he have a lot of girl friends, it’s the future, I’ll let him say it first.”
With Son, do you have to adjust with him?
{I} “I tell him when there’s gossips on us. Even though we’re close, when we hang out and stuff, we need to be aware of our behavior or else it’ll look inappropriate.”
Source: Teenee
Credit to Thip @ Son&Vill's club