Three coins represent three times to do the duty that's given by the box. Are you watching with sub?I watched episode 1, but I don't get it. It's so confusing! So many things are happening. So in order to fulfill her wish she has to help ghosts? And I don't get those three coins
Jay asked why Aet (sp?) wasn't able to communicate with her earlier about her killer but now she is able to. Aet told her the box wouldn't let her but because she was worried about Jay and because Jay's life line wasn't over she was able to help Jay where she could. Jay wondered why the box just doesn't harm her outright and not drag things out. Aet told Jay that because she's the box's owner, it can not harm her. Because the box is upset with Jay for not making wishes it is doing everything in it's power to prevent Jay from helping the spirits reveal the truth in 30 days so it can take her soul.Can someone explain or tell me what jay friend or the ghost girl told her about the raak boon box??
muaha the cartoon dolls of Jay and Lapin is so naruk mak 'they should had put it Mike&Margie Familytoday epi have more scene for lapin and jay more than yesterday epi so happy. i think now jay start to have some feeling for lapin cuz on the scene lapin said he has to take time for his engagementand cant give much time for the project his need her to help. her face look bit face when heard the word engagementand.
omg now ghost start show up and getting more interest. cant wait for more,look like the ghost going to chose her brother for the next one. the ghost giving evil and evil cuz she didnt pray for anything,now the ghost will make everyone that close with her in danger wow evil raak boon box.and glad that lapin mom know that true about his gf and the anutie are have something together
oh sad here i'm so sad and cant think that this lakorn will end this soon :cry:
lapin and jay
pic cr ig and fb and clip cr urmytears
they don't have one yet but i'll name them as Mike&Margie Family5555+ agree... but there are still dont have any site for mike and margie right? or do they already have one and i dont know about it?