Cherry and Ken T also have good chemistry.

I will totally be blushing if a handsome man like Ken T come and talk
to me. HAhaha. Loving their beginning so far.
I don't know about ya but I love the scenes where Kitty (Joy R.) always comes and visit Ken's mother.HAha.
Ken's mother is like "WTF! Get away from me" but nope she isn't going anywhere. Hahah. That's what you
get for being a bitch to Ploy and for not letting your beloved son Ken get married with her. Suck on that you
old lady! hahhaha. Gosh,I sounds mean but whatever.
I kind of felt bad for Kitty though. I was disappointed that she came running back to Ken's mother after
she found out that Ploy/Ken just broke up. Like "WTF,woman."
I kind of wonders what happen to Ploy's character like did she quit or did she continue to work there but
she just ignoring Ken. I want to know what did she do after she broke up with him. She just basically disappear
and got replaced by Cherry's character like that.