Woke up late and missed out the first 20 or so minutes of episode 2. Overreacting on Vill's part during the first 20 minutes, but she gets a little better.

Her acting is more natural during the second half. She is cute, but I do dislike it so when girls try too hard to be cute.

But she is really beautiful in today's episode. :wub: Love her hairstyle! Hehe, when she wakes up after her first night as birdy Beauty, her messy and sexy appearance totally reminded me of Gandaomanee/Gandamanee from
Sud Sai Pan). And then afterwards, her appearance towards the end of episode 2 (during her gathering with her "friends") reminded me of Gandaowasee/Gandawasri. :blush: Gah, I felt her mother's pain when she sees her daughter kissing that...random guy friend. :faint: :rant: :lmao:
Vill's acting in her cursed bird form...makes sense for the most part...her movements are restricted in scenes in which they show both birdy Beauty and human Beauty (in her cursed form). But still...if you're going to show cursed, human Beauty strangling someone or waving her arms at something or someone, might as show us how birdy Beauty manages to do that...kind of hard to explain hehe. :shrug: :lolyup:
Oh, still not a whole lot of interaction between Beauty and Theepop.

Grr...! But they will finally have interaction next week! Yay. Theepop's fat cat is actually really cute...despite its scary chubbiness. :spin: Oh, Theepop displays yet again his dislike for Beauty's brattiness in today's episode. :lol2: Dang, Egg's character holds a grudge against Beauty. Understandable.
sweetie-dara said:
Episode one was pretty alright, didn't really stand out or anything. It's just a very bleh first episode in my opinion. Push doesn't sound too feminine.....for some reason he reminds me of Son Yuke. Even the voice. I didn't pay much attention to the details so will have to rewatch when I have the time.
I agree, Heidi; Push does remind me of Son Yuke...urgh. :yuck:

But Son's voice is a little bit nicer.

Push sounds feminine in some certain scenes, but his voice is quite ok as the lakorn progresses. :yes:
meenia said:
Push looks korean to me from the teaser. Looks like the korean actor Lee Jung Jin from "9 end 2 outs" drama. Seems like the type of guy that gets hotter the more you see him. LOl. This one looks good. I'm looking forward to watching it when it ends. LOL. Hate watching lakorn when it's still on air, i don't have the patient to wait. LOL.
Yes, Push looks Korean to me as well,
Meenia. He also looks Chinese. :yes: I'm willing to wait for airing lakorns if they're worth it.

But...I'm falling behind on the other airing lakorns I'm interested in watching right now. :mellow: Need to download and watch them later. :coverlaf: