:crush: I am totally in love with this lakorn, and I can not wait for my niece to send me a copy of the novel. :spin: I want to read and have my own dreamy little World to fantasizes about, that the scripts didn't or can not portrayed in the lakorn. :coverlaf:
Tui and Kwan is so cute and perfect together, which I'd never thought they will matched their roles at first. The only problem I have is I wish Tui was a bit taller or more built because Kwan is tall and some scenes look awkward with Tui small frame standing next or behind Kwan. :bhehe: None the less, I love them together and I can't picture anyone else playing their roles now.
Moonstar, me too I rewatched the episodes multiple of times already and is driving me crazy waiting for the next episode. Two episodes per week is just not enough. :no:
OST - Daoneua is beautiful too.