Mama Noy ♥️
Okay, I know I haven't finished any of my previous FFs but this storyline has been in my head for quite some time and I just gotta write it lol. It's somewhat similar to my Pain & Pleasure FF. The pair is very unusual but I see them fitting in my storyline
So here's a little teaser =)
[thanks to Cecilia for the lovely teaser & poster!
"Mr. O'neil?"
"Yes Pam?"
"Kimberly is here to see you again..."
"shit..." Dennis curse under his breath, trying to make up an excuse.
"Hell-- Hello, Mr. O'Neil, sir?"
"Uh.." he taps his pen on the table. His mind flutters with excuses, "fine" he exhaled loudly, "Let her in." he slams the phone down hard.
A split second later, the door opens and in walks Kimberly.
"Hi Dennis," she smiles from ear to ear, speaking softly.
Dennis rocks back on his chair, resting his head and stares up at the ceiling, "why, oh why God are you torturing me??" he asked himself. He rubs his head before looking at her.
"Yes, Kimberly...?" He gives her a serious look, "what is it that you want?"
"Well..." Kimberly walks closer to his desk, "it's almost lunch and I was wondering if you--"
"Look, Kimberly--" He abruptly cut her off, "I don't have time to go to lunch with you. I'm swamped with work." he quickly turns to his computer and begins typing furiously.
"I-- I know you're busy but--" she stutters, "it'll only take 15 minutes--"
"15 minutes?" he chuckles, "15 minutes with you will be torture," he rolls his eyes, "Just talking to you right now is torture."
Silence overcomes Kimberly as she stand in front of him.
"Look--" Dennis broke the silence, "Can you please leave? I have a lot of work I need to finish and I can't finish with you here disturbing my peace." He doesn't make eye contact with her.
"Oh-- okay." Kim puts her head down and slowly walks towards the door, "Maybe some other time when you're not busy we grab some lunch--"
"yeah.." He rolled his eyes and shake his head, "That day will never come, alright."
Kimberly chuckles uneasily, pretending his words don't hurt him, "Well then, I'll be going now," she looks over her shoulder, hoping to get a glance of his him looking at her. No luck. "Bye, Dennis." she walks out the door, closing it gently.
"Finally..." he exhaled with relieve, "When will she ever get the hint?" he rolled his eyes.
CH 1 ++ CH 2 ++ CH 3 ++ CH 41 ++ CH 5++ CH 6 ++ CH 7 ++ CH 8 ++ CH 9 ++ CH 10
CH 11 ++ CH 12 ++ CH 13 ++ CH 14 ++ CH 15.1 ++ CH 15.2 ++ CH 16 ++ CH 17 ++ CH 18 ++ CH 19 ++ CH 20
CH 21 ++ CH 22 ++ CH 23 ++ CH 24++ CH 25 ++ CH 26 ++ CH 27 ++ CH 28 ++ CH 29 ++ CH 30
CH 31 ++ CH 32 ++ CH 33 ++ CH 34 ++ CH 35

[thanks to Cecilia for the lovely teaser & poster!
He's her fairy tale prince come true.
She's a nightmare he can't subdue.
He's everything she wanted and more
She's something he wish he could ignore
He's her prayer that has been answered
She's someone he wish he could shatter...
Her pain is his pleasure && his pleasure is her pain.
She's a nightmare he can't subdue.
He's everything she wanted and more
She's something he wish he could ignore
He's her prayer that has been answered
She's someone he wish he could shatter...
Her pain is his pleasure && his pleasure is her pain.
"Mr. O'neil?"
"Yes Pam?"
"Kimberly is here to see you again..."
"shit..." Dennis curse under his breath, trying to make up an excuse.
"Hell-- Hello, Mr. O'Neil, sir?"
"Uh.." he taps his pen on the table. His mind flutters with excuses, "fine" he exhaled loudly, "Let her in." he slams the phone down hard.
A split second later, the door opens and in walks Kimberly.
"Hi Dennis," she smiles from ear to ear, speaking softly.
Dennis rocks back on his chair, resting his head and stares up at the ceiling, "why, oh why God are you torturing me??" he asked himself. He rubs his head before looking at her.
"Yes, Kimberly...?" He gives her a serious look, "what is it that you want?"
"Well..." Kimberly walks closer to his desk, "it's almost lunch and I was wondering if you--"
"Look, Kimberly--" He abruptly cut her off, "I don't have time to go to lunch with you. I'm swamped with work." he quickly turns to his computer and begins typing furiously.
"I-- I know you're busy but--" she stutters, "it'll only take 15 minutes--"
"15 minutes?" he chuckles, "15 minutes with you will be torture," he rolls his eyes, "Just talking to you right now is torture."
Silence overcomes Kimberly as she stand in front of him.
"Look--" Dennis broke the silence, "Can you please leave? I have a lot of work I need to finish and I can't finish with you here disturbing my peace." He doesn't make eye contact with her.
"Oh-- okay." Kim puts her head down and slowly walks towards the door, "Maybe some other time when you're not busy we grab some lunch--"
"yeah.." He rolled his eyes and shake his head, "That day will never come, alright."
Kimberly chuckles uneasily, pretending his words don't hurt him, "Well then, I'll be going now," she looks over her shoulder, hoping to get a glance of his him looking at her. No luck. "Bye, Dennis." she walks out the door, closing it gently.
"Finally..." he exhaled with relieve, "When will she ever get the hint?" he rolled his eyes.
CH 1 ++ CH 2 ++ CH 3 ++ CH 41 ++ CH 5++ CH 6 ++ CH 7 ++ CH 8 ++ CH 9 ++ CH 10
CH 11 ++ CH 12 ++ CH 13 ++ CH 14 ++ CH 15.1 ++ CH 15.2 ++ CH 16 ++ CH 17 ++ CH 18 ++ CH 19 ++ CH 20
CH 21 ++ CH 22 ++ CH 23 ++ CH 24++ CH 25 ++ CH 26 ++ CH 27 ++ CH 28 ++ CH 29 ++ CH 30
CH 31 ++ CH 32 ++ CH 33 ++ CH 34 ++ CH 35