FF Writer!! Love it!
Chapter 16
Barry stared at the sleeping Yaya. She slept so peacefully but his heart didn’t feel the same. He was anxious, almost couldn’t stay still long enough to know that something was going to happen. Something bad. He closed his eyes and remembered what had happen earlier that morning when he left to work.
“Mr. Kugimiya, theirs someone here to meet you”
Barry nodded his head and enters his office. He took one step and froze on sight. A pale, tall woman with a black suit that fitted her bottom till her chest was all buttoned up and her shoulders lay bare to witness. She wore heels that could’ve killed someone already and her stare was amazingly sharp. Her hair neatly combed back with a bob hairstyle and her makeup was neutral. The woman looked expensive and incredibly intimidating. She stood with her back facing him as she had her arms crossed and waited as she stared into space. Barry hesitated, but he finally found his grip and the awaited anger rush into his system.
“Rosa,” his voice calm and plain as if she was his arch-enemy, his eyes deserter her stare and he circle around his desk and found his seat.
“Barry” She breathed out as if it was her first time saying his name. “I’m finally back.” She smiled so happily.
“Of course, if you didn’t you would be standing here.”
“Uh—Barry….I… must still be mad at me. I….I came to see you again. I’ve notice that ever sense I came back, I’ve been dying to see you again……….”
“Why are you here, Rosa?” Barry cut into her words. “I’m sure you’re not here to tell me how much you miss me and shit like that.”
Rosa looked disappointingly at Barry. She gave him a weak smile and met his stare. “I…. I just thought that since you’ve now got divorce than maybe we……………”
“We can get back together?” Barry interrupted, “Who said I got a divorce, Rosa? I’m still with my wife and I’m not planning on leaving her either.”
“You’re still……how can you still be with her? I thought you hated her? I thought that after a year you would leave her and……”
“Come back to you?”
“What makes you think that after the way you left me I would come back to you Rosa?” Barry laughs at her and seriously met her eyes. “I would be stupid if I come back to you knowing that I have a perfect wife at home waiting for me.”
“Barry…don’t you think your being too harsh with you words?”
“No, I think you deserve these words. Now if you don’t mind, please go back to where you came from and leave me to my work.”
“Leave.” He almost shouted.
“Seeing how you’re all work up you must hate me, but doesn’t hate come with love Barry? You must still love me, I won’t stop here.”
Barry pulled Yaya closer to him and kissed her check.
“I won’t let anything happen to you.” He said quietly and silently fell into slumber.