Disclaimer: The events and situations in this fanfic is pure fiction and does not imply that it happened in real life.
A/N: Finally got this chap done! My earlier plan was to finish this during their time on Paris but got busy so here it is... Enjoy!
Trust me and play the song for more feels:
Chapter 5 part 2 - Kidnapped
(His side)
Nadech slid off his horse, wiping his sweat and mentally checking the places he already visited to make sure everything is going smooth in their land.
Today, he heard a horse is about to give birth any day now and he had to check the progress.
This should be his last stop.
They can go home now earlier than expected for his 'visitor' or what Yaya like to refer to herself as his 'captive' would surely like to go home now.
After all, someone like her would only be bored in this kind of place right?
His grandmother had told him earlier to take her with him this morning as he make rounds and tour her around but he only laugh it off for she will surely never dream of stepping foot on this dirty and muddy land...
"Come on guys, move a little faster!"
He stopped on his track upon seeing the three workers hurry. One even urged his two other friends while making their way inside the barn.
Seems like nothing has changed on this farm at all eh?
Nadech suppressed the urge to laugh thinking of the reason why the workers was hurrying like this. After all, a horse giving birth is a rather normal occurence on the farm.
His guess would be none other than the original resident veterinarian in town, Dr. Chippy. She was known here not only for her skills as she used to be the only vet but also for the girl's charm and oozing sex appeal. In fact, she was the inspiration of his cousin Nine, why he became a vet too.
Oh, and she was also one of the many victims of his playboy cousin Boy. He wonders how the two cope up now after their bad break up because of trust issues.
Personally, he thought that the two would end up together but no such luck.
"Does she really look pretty?" One of the trio asked who seemed like their leader as the trio continued talking not noticing his presence.
"Pretty is an understatement! Man, she is gorgeous, beautiful like an angel!" the leader sighed dreamily, "I could die happily after seeing her pure and sweet smile"
Wait, what? His brows instantly furrowed after hearing their conversation.
Pure and sweet smile???
Not being prejudice or something but as far as he knew, Dr. Chippy was rather on a different level of ermm- boldness?
Wondering now what their talking about, he walked closer towards them to ask.
Their leader instantly turned pale after accidentally bumping unto his chest. "B-boss?"
"So... who are you guys talking about?"
To his surprise, the trio, squirmed under his gaze and pushed on each other.
If it ain't Dr. Chippy, then it couldn't be...
But that's just impossible! There's no way she'd go here.
"W-w-were talking about-" the leader stuttered but he never got to finish for a familiar laughter caught his attention and he turn his gaze towards the horse stable.
He never thought it is possible but for a moment, his world must have stopped upon seeing the sweetest smile he ever laid his eyes on. His breath was caught as he stares at the beauty in front of him looking so innocent and full of life that he briefly wonders if he had to go to a hospital for a check up especially after their eyes met and his heart started beating fast.
There would be no explanation on that other than the adrenaline rush. Right?
"Nadech!" she waved her hands when she spotted him and all he could do is smile back distractedly.
Well, he hoped he smile back and not look like an idiot for he saw Boy and Dave supressing their laughter at the side.
"What are you doing here?" he asked her after reaching her side and he couldnt help but stare at her in wonder.
Seriously, never in his wildest dreams did he imagine she'd set a foot in this place but look at her, bare face with no make up and dressed in simple clothes. Heck, there was even traces of mud in her clothes yet he never thought she could look even more perfect.
"I-" she started to answer but her attention immediately get caught as she turn to the stable when the horse give a loud screech, preparing to give birth as Nine stand by ready beside the mare.
Ya must have been shocked out of her mind for she clutched his left hand tight while looking at the horse in pain.
"Please be okay" she muttered like a mantra. The worry in her eyes were evident by the beads of sweat forming on her forehead.
He had to fight the urge to free his hand from her tight grasp.
Dont take him the wrong way.
He wouldn't mind her holding his hand all day after all, its not everyday a gorgeous woman like her is clutching his hand like a lifeline.
Only, she did it with so much force he swore his hand is turning white and numb he had to wonder if she's mad at him yet again for he might as well bid farewell now to his left hand.
He couldn't push her away now could he?
That would be just rude even if she's crushing his bones.
On his peripheral vision, he saw the trio pointing at their clasped hands in glee while he noticed several workers look at him with jealousy that he had to groan supressing the pain in his hands.
Even Boy must have thought he was having the time of his life for he saw his cousin smirking at him and raising his thumbs up.
If only they knew...
This must be the total representation of the saying, "No pain, no gain"
After what seem like forever, the birth was declared successful and safe by Nine.
He could only hope he can say the same with his hand as she finally let go to look at the foal with Dave like a happy and proud mother if her teary eyes would give any indication.
"Grandma is here!"
"I brought lunch" the old lady announced to eveyone knowing that the workers must have been working hard for this.
There was suddenly a slight commotion and he watched how grandma headed straight towards Yaya as they inspected the foal.
After a while, both ladies stood up with their hands linked together while they make their way towards the gazebo.
"Looks like grandma forgot about us" Nine chuckled, getting his gloves off his hands upon reaching him and Boy.
"Well according to her she is with her 'grand daughter in law' so what do you expect" Boy agreed, thumping Nine's back.
Wait- Grand daughter in law?
"What are you two talking about?"
Nadech couldn't resist but ask as they too headed towards the gazebo and sit on one of the tables while he stares at Yaya helping Grandma with distributing the foods for the workers.
Boy and Nine suddenly turn to him warily in their own version of 'Do you really have to ask?!' look.
"Seriously?" Boy rolled his eyes at him "Just looking at you staring at her like she's the last piece of your favorite dessert makes me want to puke"
"For the record, we're not together and I dont even like her." he defended himself from their accusing glare, "I was just - erm fascinated?"
For the life of him, he never imagined that she could be this comfortable in this place for the way she talk and joke with the workers seems like she had been here all her life.
She better be not acting right now but honestly, he didnt think someone could fake this smile in the midst of all the dirt and smell from the ranch.
"I hate celebrities remember?" Nadech added just to prove his point.
"You're not fooling anybody here you know" Nine added sarcastically, "And you hate celebrities because you thought they were liars and fake people. Apparently, your sweetheart proves different."
"Yep and we definitely approved!" Boy smirked at him and raised his thumbs up when she crouched down to Dave's level to help him with his food.
"Grandma was so happy you finally brought someone here that she's already thinking of wedding bells" Nine answered.
In all honesty, he intentionally brought her here to tease her for he knew most of the hi-so people hate this place and he wanted to know the real her stripped off all her glamour and pretenses, wondering how a classy girl like her would react on this place.
He must say he is surprised for he never really thought someone like her in the industry brimming with fake people could still be this genuine and real.
"Although if you insist that you dont like her, she can still be grandma's grand daughter in law right?" Boy added suggestively.
His brows furrowed when the two hi-five and smirked at him in a challenge when they spotted Yaya going near them with a tray of food in her hands.
"Don't you two even think about it" he whispered gritting his teeth in annoyance.
How many times does he need to tell his cousins about this subject?
"She is off limits" he added in a warning tone to the duo just for a good measure and then stood up to hold Yaya's arm, making sure she is seated beside him away from the two predators as Dave also took the seat beside her.
He helped her distribute the food while keeping his eyes on the duo who suddenly burst into laughter that she looked at them in wonder.
"Grandma had to go back-" she started but paused after the two wont stop laughing, "So... What did I miss?"
"Nothing" Nadech intervened in which she looked at him suspiciously.
Uh- Oh. He couldn't get anymore obvious than this.
"Dont worry we're not talking about you" Boy added in which he assumes is a helpful manner that Nadech couldnt help but stomp the guy's feet.
Seriously? It would be better if the guy just shut up. His cousin really do not have any filter at all.
"We're just talking about erm- manly things" Thankfully, Nine came to his rescue, and Ya seemed to have a newfound respect for Nine after what happened earlier that she chose to let go and started eating.
"Do you have any plans this afternoon?"
He knew there is a catch as Nine added while smirking at him, obviously pissing him off but luckily, the poor girl is busy helping Dave with his food she didnt hear what the guy was saying. That or she's just really dense when a guy was hitting on her.
"You sure dont like her then eh?" Boy whispered to him when she got up to get the little boy more food. "Looks like you found a keeper"
Yaya groaned for the nth time and Nadech had to swallow thickly trying to keep his mind clear from the thoughts that keeps on entering his mind whenever she moan like that.
And she had been doing this little sounds for quite some time since they started eating this Khao Soi he had to put his cowboys hat on her head after noticing few people looking their way.
It all started out innocently when he decided to stay true to her accuse of him as her kidnapper and took her with him to tour her around the land, ending their trip at the town center because he needed to buy something. In truth, he would take any excuse to get her away from his predator of a cousin.
Everything was going smoothly until she stopped dead on her tracks after seeing the display picture of this dish, she instantly dragged him inside the small eatery he never thought she'd consider on eating and leaving him no choice but to follow. Honestly, it's not like he have the heart to say no to her puppy look. Hungry puppy look rather.
Who would have thought that this innocent activity would make things hard for him.
"Mmmm.. This is really great" Yaya moaned again with conviction that he had to grip his own spoon and concentrate on eating or she'll get what she's asking.
Luckily, there were only few people in the restaurant that they dont recognize her or he wont be responsible for the damage in her reputation.
Her moaning stopped and he thankfully looked up at her only to find her licking the sauce on her finger.
Damn it.
"I'm done." he suddenly stood up earning a surprise gasp from her.
"Stay here and I'll just buy the things needed for the farm" Without waiting for her reply, he immediately went outside for he cant promise his next move.
For the next hour, he wandered around the area to might as well buy the materials needed while trying to get his senses back.
Besides, he's sure she'd be okay for his cowboys hat had his family crest symbol engraved on it and no one would dare to get near her.
He just hoped it would give her time to finish as much Khao Soi she wanted for he didnt want a repeat of his painful experience on exercising his patience.
Damn, he would never look at the innocent food the same again. He could still hear her moan echo on his ears like a tune of seduction that he had to shake his head.
Good God.
Since when did he turn into a pervert?!
After an hour, he decided to get back to her after getting everything he needed when he spotted a back of a man sitting in front of her. He should have known his family crest would not be enough to make people leave her alone eh?
He's not even gone that long... and to think that she's got the half of her face covered?
How can she complain that she can not find a boyfriend when she cant even be left for a second without attracting attention.
He would pity her future boyfriend.
If it was him, he'd make sure those guys were at least a few meters away from her.
Not like he wanted to be her man or anything because he repeat, he didnt like her that way.
"You know you should leave that loser Nadech and be with me instead"
Before he could debate with himself any further, his head immediately snap towards the guy and his offending hand when he touched the tips of Yaya's hair. "He used to be the blind idiot in town you know?"
Gritting his teeth, he had to calm himself after recognizing the bastard.
Of all people! How can she always attract those unwanted ones?
It was none other than his rival, Sila, who used to bully him before when they were younger. Seems like few years later and he still hasn't change his ways eh?
Nadech had to calm himself at her reaction. Is she seriously considering that guy? She must be desperate.
"Be with me and I'll give you everything you wanted. Heck, I'll surely bring you to a restaurant and not this place. I assure you that what I offer is better, just look at me and compare the difference"
His brows furrowed at what nonsense the guy was spouting off.
He's not talking about the looks department right?
To his credit, he used to be a scrawny kid back then and add it to his disability that people at his age do not want to associate themselves with him.
"You're right" Yaya said almost giving him a heart attack, "There REALLY is a striking difference"
No way he believed she'd buy that. And to think he thought she was really smart!
That was just the most insulting thing ever.
"I'm glad you agree-" Sila broke into a triumphant smile but didnt get to finish when she interjected quickly inevitably crushing the guys heart.
"He is definitely a hundred times better than you" Yaya utters raising her left eyebrow as her words hit the guys head like a tons of brick. "And I would chose him anyday than to be with a poor excuse of a man like you. Excuse me"
Damn. Damn. Damn.
Excuse his language but he just couldnt contain the wide smile that spread across his face after hearing the words came from her mouth.
She sure knows how to make a man's heart flutter.
His celebration was cut short when he saw Sila grip Ya's wrist tight when she was about to stand up.
There is no way he'll let her get hurt now eh?
Without thinking twice, he walked towards them to pry off the offending hand of the guy who wouldnt let go.
"And who-" Sila started but his eyes went wide upon seeing him, stuttering "N-N-Nadech?!"
He must have been shocked out of his wits for his grip on her loosens that he had the chance to place Ya behind him.
Well he couldnt blame him for they havent seen each other for a long time because he never really goes home often and when he does, he only stayed in their land.
"It really is you? Well it doesnt matter, I'm sure I am still better than you in every aspect and besides, who would want to be with person with disability?" Sila started and tried to get his hands on Ya.
To his surprise, and utter amazement he might add, Yaya actually came forward so fast, slapping the guy hard and started on hitting the guy everywhere that he had to hold her in her waist to get her away from the poor guy, the cowboy's hat she was wearing fell down revealing her full face and earning a gasp from the starting crowd.
"You dont do that!" Sila tried to charge back but Nadech quickly placed himself between the two and pushed the guy away as the struggle began.
Thankfully, people and the owner began to help them after seeing it was actually her.
Sila, being the rude man that he is even pushed the old lady owner and luckily Yaya, quickly caught her and no damage was done that he finally snapped and dragged Sila by his collar outside the small eatery.
"You think I'm scared of you?!"
"Well no, but I'm sure you're scared of getting at the bad side of your dad eh? I heard they need help and were trying to get on good terms with my family ?" Nadech countered the guy.
"H-how did you know?"
"I'm the one handling the project for the mean time" he confessed making Sila instantly turned paler than he is, "Imagine what he'll do to you if I cancel the agreement?"
"I'll get back on you someday" Sila warned before finally backing off.
Finally. Peace at last. Maybe bringing her here was not a good thing?
Shaking his head, he walked back inside after making sure the guy was gone and what he saw inside made him stop on his tracks.
It was Ya surrounded by different people and was giving an autograph, smiling enthusiastically to everyone and even giving photos. All is normal and well except that this people were not her usual fans for they were not really well off that he had to supress his proud smile at seeing her getting close to them bringing this people a different kind of joy as could be seen by their smiles.
He himself had done a lot of voluntary projects for them but this is the first time he saw them smile like this.
"Nadech!" Yaya waved at him asking him to get closer while she carried a little girl on her arms. She must really like children or maybe it was the other way around.
Then again, children would only go near to people whom they felt safe and she gives off this blanket of security and happiness naturally.
"Here" Yaya gave him her phone upon reaching her, "take a photo okay?"
And just like that, he had been her instant assistant and camera man for the day as she took pictures with everyone before they finally went on their way after it started to became dark after everyone bidded goodbye. The owner even gave her free Khao Soi that she liked so much he thought for a sec, she was gonna kiss the old lady in her happiness.
It was a good thing Boy had some business in Bangkok that his cousin volunteered to drive for them on their way back because he was honestly tired.
He must be getting out if it for work in the field usually never tires him out.
It was no surprise Yaya was completely knocked off, her head looking uncomfortably lolling to her side that he gently placed it on his shoulder.
She must have been tired too, he thought while placing her hair behind her ears and rolling his eyes at Boy who was laughing at him and turn the volume of the stereo up when a song came up.
"Maybe it's you, I've been waiting for all of my lif-"
Boy never got to finish for he grabbed the thermos tumbler and aimed it at their driver who instantly shut up, scratching his head.
Damn, his cousin must be in a mood for he put the song on a repeat that he could only sigh and try to sleep it off, ignoring Boy who was now humming the song.
Ya's sudden movement as she hugged herself instantly made him alert, wrapping his jacket and his arms around her for a better measure.
Just to make sure she's comfortable and not cold of course.
Today, he admit that he had judged her quickly but he is happy and proud that she had proved him wrong. She's not that bad after all.
A/N: Nakee 2 is already showing and me wanting to watch so bad had me updating this fanfic

Comments are greatly appreciated!
P.S. Dont worry the scene we all have been waiting for will come sooner than you think.

Me just hopefully building foundation