Disclaimer: The events and situations in this fanfic is pure fiction and does not imply that it happened in real life.
A/N: I know this is late but better late than never. So here it is! My Christmas present to everyone. Enjoy and be warned.
Strictly no minor allowed
Disclaimer: This is purely fanfiction from the creative mind of the author. Please dont take this too seriously
Chapter 12 - For better or for worse
Yaya's POV
She knew it.
Yaya bit her lips, suppressing her groan at his loud voice.
Letting him sent her to work is never a good idea. Today however, she's running late, her car's coding and she hadn't even had her usual morning coffee.
Damn Nadech.
She told him specifically to make his presence unknown cause it will surely cause her trouble if they know that he sent her to studio at this early morning yet here he is, announcing his presence for everyone to see.
Good thing she come prepared. Nothing but a sweater with hoodie to save the day.
cr: as tagged
"What?" she mouthed, her brows furrowing in annoyance as she turn to scan the area to see if anyone's looking.
"You forgot this" Nadech armed with his shades and dimpled smile that would surely make any girl swoon at the sight, raised a bear shape lunch box and tumbler in the air.
cr: IG - @nadechactivity
For a second, she felt her heart skip a beat at the sight.
Good God.
If her heart is weak, she would surely be head over heels for him.
Eversince they move in together, as per her parents insistance or what they like to call as advice, he had been good to her. Too good that in fact, he was the one in charge of cleaning, cooking and even laundry since they cant hire a maid in their situation.
Not that she forced him to do it but her domestic skills were rather limited edition and she do not have time for cleaning since her schedule were packed right now.
Taking a mental note, she promise to do something good for him in return as she lean closer to his open window.
"Thank you" she started only for him to take the lunch box back out of her reach despite her protest.
She take back her promise.
Damn, she knew there must be a catch somewhere in the middle.
With a cute pout on her face, she began to move away but he was quick to respond pulling both sides of her hoodie closer to his face to press a quick kiss on her lips.
"I'm sorry I just cant resist" he said with a satisfied grin plastered before he give her cheeks a gentle squeeze, "You do know you're disguise is not working cause you are attracting attention?"
Looking down at her clothes, he once again surprised her when he holds her face on both side making her look him in the eye before he put his shades on her gently with a sigh, "That's the best thing I can do... I don't think anything can hide this face of yours eh?"
Grabbing her hand, he placed the lunch box on her hands and patted her head before he bid her goodbye.
It must have been minutes but it sure felt like seconds that she stood there frozen on her feet for the next thing she knew, the director of her commercial was calling and waving a hand on her face.
"Ya are you okay?"she called out on her.
"Erm - Yes?"
So her disguise wasnt really working?
All along she really thought it is convincing...
The older lady looked at her weirdly before asking if she's feeling under the weather, "Are you okay? You look flushed... should we re-schedu-"
"No!" she shake her head furiously, "I'm okay it's j-just... the weather! Right! It was just too hot"
Dear Nadech, can you please stop being perfect? Or better yet, stop being too good for her because she feared she's getting used to this that one day, she might not know how it's like to be alone.
"Ya you're bear lunch box is sooo cute!" The director looked at the carefully arranged food in awe and added, "Did you have a change of heart or something? I thought you dont like getting up early in the morning to cook that's why we always ordered outside?"
She could only politely smile as she took a bite, sighing at the delicious taste of his cooking.
Man, can Nadech be anymore perfect than this?
The old lady must have known that the food would taste nice for she hovered and looked on it that she had no choice but to hesitantly offer it, hoping the other wouldn't accept it but no such luck.
Damn, she promised Nadech!
"Hmmm" she exclaimed in delight, "This is so nice and super healthy huh? You must have gotten yourself a good cook"
"Yes Na-"
Her eyes gone wide with her slip that she had to fake a cough before continuing, "My nanny I mean- told me I had to eat home made food to make sure that I ate healthily"
Sorry Nadech.
But really- he had taken his promise to take care of her very seriously that he would always text her if she was eating alright even making her promise not to share her food so he'll be sure she's eating alright.
"Nanny eh? You know- just because you dont act like those other arrogant hi-so, I always forgot that you are an heir of a large group of company" The poor director thankfully bought her excuse that she did not dare protest when the said lady took another rather large bite from her lunch box, "I could only wish I have someone who would do something like this for me too. If only my husband would be so kind"
Yaya hid a smile at this and continued digging in before the older lady finished her food. Maybe she's not really at the losing end on this for she instantly had someone like Nadech who always had her back. Her very own superman.
To think that he had been working so hard the night before and still had time to wake up early just to cook her breakfast, that must be something.
"You dont want that" the producer must have heard what they were talking about for the other lady sat down on the empty stool beside them and with their questioning look, she continued, "Let me tell you, I had a boyfriend who suddenly became too sweet and perfect I was almost convince he's the one, you know that too good to be true type?"
The older girl stop enjoying the suspense air, "Turns out that he was having an affair. Guys were all like that, they would be sweet and all to make up with their guilt."
Is this real?
But from the time she knew Nadech... he wont do that to her right?
"Oohh I smell bitterness... still not over it eh?" the director shake her head at the other girl, "Dont scare Ya here. Not all guys were like that. You must have been one of those unlucky ones"
Yaya nodded her head in approval.
"I'm saying it's real" the other lady insisted, "I had it already tested and proven you know. They call you true love, great love whatever they like to call it but then do something otherwise."
What do they call Kim and Mark then? Or Margie and Pok?
"What about those guys who's so inlove with his partner that he is willing to do everything even without commitment huh?" the director defended, "I tell you what- true love is different from great love. In my opinion, true love is your soulmate while your great love is someone who you'll always remember as the one you love with all your heart and if for some reason, your the one that got away if ever you did not end up together. Maybe you were his true love but you are not his great love. In my case, I'm lucky my husband is my great and true love"
Silence followed the directors statement as the producer played with her own food looking lost in her world while Ya contemplated wondering under what criteria she and Nadech falls..
All this talk about love and she really can't relate, she's sure they werent on that boat anyway for he is surely not inlove with her.
Maybe more like love for siblin- NO!
Please excuse her for thinking about it even for a second.
She'd rather stick with their original agreement. The friends with benefits thingy.
"I suppose" the producer finally answered with a nonchalant shrug, "That's why Ya, be careful with our golden boy Nadech, he might be your true love but we're not sure about his-"
"There's nothing going on with me and Nadech" she quickly defended, "Why did I suddenly enter into this?"
"I was just reminding you, in case you havent seen the news"
"What news?!" she breathed out in nervousness. They wouldn't know their secret right?
"Here" the other lady showed her phone to her which she quickly grabbed, her eyes going as wide as saucers as she stare at the offending object.
Trending on number one spot was Nadech again but now it does not have anything to do with her but him and another girl! Having lunch and with her family no less!
And what's with the girl's caption?
'Practicing my cooking skills for the future?'
What future?
Of course, she just have to be tagged by this people with comments comparing if not pitying her!
Excuse her but she's Yaya Urassaya.
How dare he.
True love, great love whatever type of love they were talking about, but still they were damn married and she doesn't deserve this.
"Excuse me" a staff suddenly called their attention potentially stopping her brewing anger and the two older lady's heated discussion, "Her costar Alex is already here"
"Hello ladies" Alex walk towards them smiling like he was in a toothpaste commercial.
A bright idea entered her mind as she spot the charming guy, waving his hand in her direction.
Alex has been her costar in one of her lakorn and they used to be close that other thought they had formed some kind of relationship which they never did.
But Nadech didnt know that...
Hee hee.
It's time for a payback sweetheart.
"Yaya do you need a ride?" the director asked her one last time just like those other who already passed her by near the entrance.
"Erm- No thanks" Yaya forced a smile as she bid her goodbye at the older lady who only shrug and finally left her alone.
Her face fell just as quick glancing for the nth time at her phone.
Damn Nadech.
Isnt he the one who insisted that he'll pick her up today? Then where is he?
If she knows any better, he is enjoying being in the arms of that woman.
What a fool.
How can he replaced her to someone who's not even in her level?
Not that she's being harsh or something on that lady who had an over active imagination BUT damn. She might accept it if the girl is really nice but no, he just had to go and choose a spoiled brat heiress who only knows the word me, myself and I.
Not like she stalked the poor girl but she actually met her once in a party and that brief meeting wasn't a pleasant experience with the girl bragging about her achievements on successfully bagging rich handsome guys while she, the superstar is single and lonely.
Shaking her head to shoo those depressing thoughts away, she grabbed her phone to stalk erm- research rather how's things especially after she posted a picture with her and Alex that morning.
And lo and behold... the guy is surprisingly MIA.
Her grip on her phone tightened after she havent even receive any message or chat from him. Not that she is expecting but- okay maybe she's expecting him to be angry like she is right now knowing how possessive that guy is but goodness....
It's not working.
The only thing she had done was to stir a rumor of her and Alex that her and Nadech's fans right now where in chaos.
"Yaaaaaa" a sing-song voice called her out before Alex sat next to her, raising his feet in the coffee table comfortably sipping his shake, "Why are you still here?"
"Just waiting for my ride" she sighed, shrugging at the guys antics, "What about you?"
"Just chillin'" Alex grinned at her boyishly she had to roll his eyes.
"I'm sorry about the rumor" she started, in her head, she is apologizing for using the poor innocent guy.
"Awww man I thought I really had a chance!" he began but stopped at her glare, raising both his hands as if in surrender, "Kiddin'"
Before she could respond, Nadech's car stopped in front of her but it was a haggard looking Taishi instead who stepped out bowing and catching his breath, "I'm sorry I'm late Mrs. Kugi-"
Damn it.
He is really Nadech's secretary for the guy speaks the same language as the boss.
Why dont they just announce it to the world since this secrecy thing is obviously not working anyway.
"Let's go!" Yaya quickly entered the passenger seat after waving a quick goodbye at Alex who had a puzzled look on his face.
"Did we met before?" Alex called on Taishi who turned to her looking lost, "You looked familiar"
"He's been working for me" she chimed in, gesturing at the guy to enter immediately before they dug their own grave.
"Oh what did he called you again?"
He just had to ask. Damn.
Thankfully, she was saved in time when her phone began on ringing.
Gesturing at her phone, she waved her goodbye to Alex who had no choice but to do the same while Taishi got the hint and start the car.
It must be none other than her 'husband'!
So he still remembered that he had a wife eh?
"Why are you calling me-" she began just as she answered the call, "I thought you already forgot-"
"Trouble in paradise?" a deep and gentle yet stoic voice that used to be soothing on her ears strangely feels cold now, "Dont tell me he's given up this early?"
What did he do now? Her heart started on beating fast in nervousness knowing just how powerful he is.
"Dad! What did you do?" she began talking and yes it is none other than to her father, "Please. Dont harm Nadech"
Goodness. If it were other time, she would have laugh at what she said for she only thought this things only happen in lakorn but it turns out that her father is one of those mad ones.
Now she wonders what those guys that they were throwing into her direction before did to get her father's approval when Nadech who can easily surpassed all those guys could not get his acceptance?
"Dont worry" her father chuckled, she could just imagine him shaking his head in glee, "I did nothing"
Somehow, she could not believe his words especially when he is laughing like he does right now.
"Dad!" she exclaimed, her voice going a notch higher.
For goodness sake, her conscience wouldnt take it if something happens to him just because of her, especially when their marriage is not even with their consent in the first place.
"I just called to tell you that our house is open if he goes off and run away with other heiress" And with that, her father ended their call amidst her protest.
What is that supposed to mean?
Well if he's not going to say anything then she'll have to find another way.
"Tell me" she started calling out the attention of Taishi who she noticed kept glancing at her in the mirror like he wanted to say something but then think better of it and shuts up, "Does Nadech have any problem?"
Silence followed her question that she thought he would be ignoring her for he started to look on anywhere but her.
"Well the company is having a slight problem right now and they were looking for investors" he finally answered sighing like he just told her something that he shouldnt.
So that's why he was so busy on his laptop this past few days...
"You must have seen the picture circulating right now. The girl in the pic with Nadech were actually one of those potential investors. We were having a meeting when he told me to fetch you"
So it was just a business meeting after all...
At that information, she brought up her phone again to examine the picture in a different light.
Now that she allowed herself to really look closer, Nadech wasn't really smiling that gorgeous dimpled smile of his, nor was he caught looking in the 'dreamers' direction as he was rather stiff and formal.
So maybe she judged early.
Now she's the one who need to apologize with her crazy move.
"What?!" Yaya shouted on her phone, "You arent coming home?"
Is he serious?
Dont tell her he is really giving up this easily?
Wait- why does she sound so dramatic?
And since when did she became clingy?
Heaving a sigh, Yaya looked down pouting on the food that she had cooked.
What a waste.
To think that she made the effort to make his favorite papaya salad dish.
"Dont worry" he began in a rather cold tone, "I'll send someone to stay with you-"
"But- " her protest fall on nothing for the line was suddenly cut off.
What's with him?
Did he just cut her off or what?
And since when did her father changed his career into becoming a seer?
This cant be happening.
She had to do something cause she might trust him but she dont trust his 'investor'.
Grabbing her phone, she dialled his secretary's number.
"Hello Mrs. Kugimi-"
She hadn't waited and intervened impatiently, "Send me your boss location right now!"
"B-but-" Poor Taishi stuttered at her request but there's no stopping her now.
"Do we have a problem?" she asked.
"No! Of course not. I-I'll send it right away"
"And one more thing" she demanded, "Dont tell him I called or asked. Understood?"
She must have scared the poor guy for his answer was a sqeaky yes.
A/N: Listen to this song while reading his POV
Nadech's POV
"Sir someone is calling you at the entrance"
Nadech heaved a sigh of relief at the crew, pulling back his arm from Akiko's tight grip.
Damn. If he didnt need investors right now, he would never step foot even 5 meters within the girl's location.
Thank God Taishi must have noticed his discomfort and came back to save him from this woman's latch after fetching his wife. Although he wonders how come he came back so fast when it's already rush hour in Bangkok...
"I'll just go and check-" he started his escape but was held back once again by the woman, latching his right arm so tight he thought it had gone numb.
"I'll go with you!" she said like a mad desperate woman.
Nadech sighed again for the nth time. Honestly, that woman is exercising his patience. He wanted to tell her to back off for he already had an owner and only she is allowed to do that to him even if he's kinda pissed off with her right now. But she wouldnt like that as she's all for the secrecy thing. Still, no one can take her place.
With a hard pull, he extracted his arm from her grasp again and sent a glare in her direction that the she finally got the hint but still followed him like a lost puppy as they walk towards the entrance in silence.
Taking a deep breath and praying to heavens above for more patience, he just chose to ignore the woman thinking how wrong he is in going here.
Today wasn't really a good day for him with his problems in the company, the annoying girl who was latching like her life depended on him. Then his wife just had to go ahead and post a picture of someone who's not him.
Damn it.
He's not being jealous you know... In his whole life of existence he never knew that feeling for he always had what he wanted. It's just... she's too good and beautiful for her own good he feared others would take advantage especially after knowing how clueless and trusting his wife is.
Who's that Alex anyway? And how come she never even once posted their picture?
Double damn.
He was walking distractedly that he havent noticed that they reached the entrance when the cre tapped his shoulder pointing on someone sitting at a motorcycle, "Sir, the person wouldnt take off the helmet and said your ride-"
The said person in his motorcyle must have noticed his presence for the engine started stopping right in front of him.
Wait a minute.
That bike looked familiar...
"What ride?" Akiko butted in scaring the crew who could only bow her head, "I thought I already took care of -I mean, didn't you already agree on staying overnight?"
He could care less and tune off the mad woman's whining as he stare at the person in awe. It couldn't be...
"Not if I am here" the last person he expected stood right in front of him and his breath hitched feeling his heart started beating fast looking at the beauty she's portraying when she took off her helmet, raising her eyebrows at the woman beside him.
Nadech placed his hand on his chest to try and calm his heart.
"Yaya?" Akiko asked in surprise but not before clutching his arm, sticking on his side that his wife's eyebrows rose even higher, "What are you doing here?"
Honestly, that woman never learnt eh?
Nadech raised his hand to get her off him but before he could do so, Yaya spoke shocking him that he stood frozen still.
"Do you really have to ask?" his wife began moving off his bike to walk towards them, "Obviously I'm here to claim my man"
More like rescue but damn!
It feels like christmas had come early that he wanted to shout in glee at her statement. A silly smile started forming in his face but wait- isnt he supposed to be sulking? He should try and be consistent less she would know his weakness.
Clearing his throat, he tried to contain himself.
"I didnt know you are now one of those desperate woman!" Akiko stated that made him instantly snap and pulled his arm off her rather harshly as Yaya rolled her eyes.
"Shut it!" he began raising his finger pointing at the woman who cowered in fear.
Who said he was an angel?
He never claimed he was good but he knew the word respect and that it has to be earned.
"Its okay" Yaya hold his hand, calming him down and pulling him towards the direction of his bike.
"Here" she said giving him the spare helmet and keys as she sit at the rear end while patting the sit in front of her smiling at him that cute smile of hers he could only shrug and ride.
Its a good thing he had taught her how to ride motorcycle after they joined the koo jin contest but he personally think this position is better, feeling her arms wrapped around him as he started the engine.
"The deal is off!" Akiko said in a desperate attempt to stop them.
She does not have to worry for the first time she insulted his wife, the agreement has been cut off in his head.
"The hell I care" he mumbled before he goes off holding Yaya's hand in his.
"I brought your beloved motorcycle to escape from traffic" Yaya told him hoping to get a reaction out of him, "I'm sorry I didnt ask for permission"
"Hmmmm" Nadech could only hum in response.
She should not worry for everything he has belongs to her now that she is his wife.
"Did you know Margie showed me the ultrasound of her baby? Can you believe how tiny it is!" she began, changing the topic eagerly.
"Hmmm" he answered quietly, thinking how she'll react if its their baby they were talking about.
"Hey!" Yaya finally got enough with his silent treatment, pinching him on his side that they almost swivered if not for his great control, "I've been talking here nonstop and the only thing you respond is hmmm?"
"There you go again!" she protested.
Honestly, cant a guy like him sulk for a moment?
"Okay... I'm sorry about the deal" she said thinking his silent treatment was all about the canceled agreement.
Nadech hold her hand in assurance for it is not really the reason he's so quiet today because every damn time he remembered her picture with that Alex made his head ache.
Silence followed their journey, both lost in their own thoughts before he heard a grumbling sound.
"Are you hungry?" he had to stiffle her laughter asking Yaya who hit him in the arm in return.
He really is a battered husband.
Grabbing her hand, he pressed it towards his chest pulling her to make her embrace him tighter.
"I'll pull over if I saw a restau-" he began chuckling only to be punished by her squeezing him tight making him smile widely.
If this would be her punishment, he's not sure he would ever stop.
"Dont worry I came prepared" she said making him wonder what she's talking about, "Just pullover on the next stop"
His question was answered soon as he looked on his favorite papaya salad on tupperwares and lunch box she prepared.
"You cooked these?" he asked in awe feeling so happy at her shy nod. Although it looked a little bit different from usual but still, it is the thought and effort that counts.
Even though he already had dinner, he still dig in with gusto and ate with her.
"I asked your grandma's recipe" she started nervously, "Sorry if it doesnt taste as good as your grandma's cooking but hey its my first-"
Nadech leans in closer to press a quick kiss on her lips to stop her from talking, "This is more than nice" he said making her smile her gorgeous shy smile that he couldnt help but kiss her again despite her protest.
This is actually more than nice. Everything he wanted and more.
He wanted to smack his head for even thinking of not going home when he would be missing this?
"You know" he finally confessed what's bothering him, He's not planning to start fights anyway, "Just because of this, I forgive you for posting that pic with that git"
"Aha!" Yaya shake her head in an 'I knew it' expression "So this is all about that picture?"
Shrugging, Nadech hid a small smile when she placed more dish on his tupperware. Who knew she could be this sweet? He was used to her always being angry with him that even this small gesture of her make his heart sigh in happiness.
"Alex is just my friend" she explained, "You know I differentiate work and my personal life"
"What about me?" he asked and for a moment, she stopped to stare at him, their eyes communicating in silence.
"Consider yourself as the only exception" she finally answered, chuckling and trying to lighten the beginning of a serious atmosphere.
He get it alright. Maybe it is too early to talk about this but its okay. He already accepted that there's no more use on denying his feelings towards her.
At least, according to her, he is the only exception and he'll hold on to that.
"Home sweet home" Yaya sighed happily going down his bike after they entered the secluded part of Nadech's estate.
He beg to differ that anywhere with her feels like home for he believes on the saying that home is where the heart is.
Taking off his helmet, he turned around still sitting in his motorbike to watch her as she peeled off her protective gear and pressed the remote button of the automatic garage door.
His eyebrows furrow at the sight of her hands filled with small cuts that he made a grab of it to examine.
"What happened to your hands?" he asked in worry and annoyance. This morning she still havent had those...
Dont tell it was because of cooking for him?
He promised not to hurt her and she goes off hurting herself because of him...
Upon his realization, he began kissing her fingers feeling her gasped in surprise and looked at him with a stare he's not familiar with.
"I-It''s nothing" she stuttered, pulling her hands off his grasp as if in shock, not meeting his eyes, "Let's go insi-"
He didnt let her finish nor escape, catching her wrist, he pulled her close to him and kissed her with want.
Damn. He wanted to do this ever since she showed up in his motorcycle and now that they're alone without any prying eyes, he wouldnt waste the chance especially when she's responding to his touch like this.
Making him lose his head, he lost all rational thoughts and lifted her by the waist as he sat her on his lap, his hands busy with removing her clothes while his lips never left hers.
A loud moaned escaped from her sinful lips. His heart beating fast and he knew it's not just because of the lust he's feeling.
What is it with her that make him feel weak? Make him lose his mind and control? Just by hearing and watching her makes him feel like he would never get tired of this.
He looked up to her after they successfully removed all their clothes when she suddenly stopped responding to his kisses. She had this unsure look on her face that he began to worry.
"What's wrong?" he asked, caressing her face and hair.
"Are we really going to do this here?"
Seriously? He couldnt help but chuckle at her question that she pulled on his hair lightly.
Excuse him for a second he thought, she's gonna back down after all the teasing.
Pressing a kiss on her lips, they had enetered the world of pleasure once again as gasps and moan fill the area with their sweet lovemaking.
This must be what heaven feels and looks like.
The sight she's bestowing mesmerized him, messy hair, red cheeks and that sexy lips. Good God, he swore she's beautiful.
Thinking is not an option anymore when she's looking like his own personal goddess that he lost the little control that he have.
Burying his head on her neck, he hugged her pressing her body close to his. Making her feel the fast beating of his heart and hoping she might take the hint that this is not just a fancy game for him.
He could only hope that she feel the same way.
A/N: That's it for now. The picture is getting clearer eh?
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to everyone
P.S. I appreciate all the comments! Thank you for taking your time