Aow Marduk you nee ja lai gub nong chai mark. Jason is the cutest and you'll see when he becomes my boyfriend haha. Damn only 8 months old though that means I have to wait a long time.
Losurrrrrrrrr. Isn't it cool though i bet lots wonder how you not show up haha sucks for them. So you never answered me can Jason talk? It's sad I don't even know how old my future boyfriend is.
OMG my future boyfriend is soooooo adorable and he's soooooooo not ugly! I think you are holding him too hard though he looks uncomfortable or annoyed of you haha. I guess he's waiting for me
i dunno if i'm the ONLY one to blame for mediocre rating there. it only goes to show ur fan base isn't as wide and far as u have disillusioned urself with kid. u should feel lucky ur at 3 and it hasn't gone down since
Aww thanks Marduk I miss you too monkey. I am totally doing my shortie thang haha roaming the streets at night j/k j/k. I am going to take my senior portraits on Friday. I'm so excited!!! I'll share the pics with you monkey....... NOT haha. I kid. I will share.
hey pumbaa-umba!'ve you been my wild boar? i hope you've been keeping your room clean because timon's not cleaning it up anymore...haha! *hugs*